Join a Task Force

Milton residents selected three priorities for future action. To join one or more task groups, contact Milton on the Move Community Visit Chair, Jessica Groeling at Anyone is welcome to Join a Task Force and help the future of the town!

„Build a Milton Recreation, Fitness, and Community Center

Develop a facility that could serve as a gathering, events, and recreation space for Milton community members. The facility could include events spaces, an afterschool hub, youth center, coffee shop, makers’ space, community kitchen and indoor recreation facilities to help expand year-round recreation and fitness options. These could include a pool, a fieldhouse, pickleball courts, and a fitness center. The space could be available for public use, help to connect across generations, provide a safe place to go after school, and offer activities, recreation and fitness programming to people of all ages, incomes, and backgrounds.

„Develop a Downtown Core for Milton

Form a task force to develop and implement a plan to create a central, walkable, and accessible downtown area for Milton. The group could draw from past initiatives and partner with regional and state experts to create a path towards an inviting and vibrant downtown core. The area could include a town green and walkable businesses and amenities that would serve both local residents and attract visitors. A task force could work to identify public investment opportunities as well as private investors and developers to help execute the community’s vision over time.

„Recruit and Support Local Businesses

Develop and implement a plan to attract more small and medium businesses to Milton. A task force could work with experts to develop a recruitment plan with strategies to attract businesses and investors, opportunities to highlight and market town assets, and incentives to support business start-up or relocation. Milton residents of all ages are interested in seeing a movie theater, more restaurants, local and chain retail, more dining options, lodging options, a café, and more. The group could also consider strategies to support and promote local businesses through community events or campaigns like an “I Love Milton” local business discount card.