What is the cost associated with the event? 

This event is a free and open to all members of the Virginia Tech community and beyond.

Will tutorials be held this year?

Yes! They will be held Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 5-6:30pm at NCB 120 and 260.

Do I need to register? 

Yes, registration is required so that we can have and appropriate head count for the included dinner and so that you can sign up for a tutorial. The links will be updated on the registration page here 

How much of a data science background do I need to participate? 

None. We have made an effort to ensure that everyone (from those with no background to experts) can get something out of the whole event. The keynote talks and career panel will be accessible to everyone, while other parts of the event will allow participants to break into smaller groups based on their own interests and experience. Dinner will be at round tables, with specific topics for discussion at each table.

I’m not a woman; can I participate?

Yes! Everyone is encouraged to participate. A major goal of the event is encouraging women in data science- a goal that is best achieved through engagement with the entire data science community. The keynote talk and tutorial talks are presented by women, but are focused on data science methods and applications. We urge all aspiring and current data scientists to actively engage in these important discussions.

I have a conflict for some of the event, is it okay to attend just part of the event?

Yes. We’d love to have you join for any part of the event that you are available.