4-H Water Science Kits for Kids


Hands on learning experience that builds STEM Skills through water focused STEM activities.


The early dismissal of in-school learning due to COVID-19 in Spring of 2020 added an extra three-month period of 'summer' for students, both in Virginia and countrywide. This extra 'summer' was characterized by limited access to educational opportunities, particularly in communities with limited reliable internet connectivity. In order to help address this issue, an interdisciplinary group of Virginia Tech faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students developed STEM-based educational kits featuring four different hands-on water science activities geared towards K-12 student to help provide an opportunity for experiential learning that students may be missing out on due to COVID-19 pandemic. These water science kits feature four different STEM activities related to water that build upon one another. The activities are aimed at reaching k-12 students of a wide variety of abilities.



Extra fun!

This project was made possible by generous funding from the Virginia Tech Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology, and the Virginia Tech Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.