Science Technology

While the principles of successful teaching through UDL can be applied without technology, these tools make the implementation and elaboration of UDL easier! The sample science tools below can greatly enhance the power and flexibility teachers and students have to individualize learning experiences and decrease barriers.

Low-Mid Tech Tools

tactile ruler

Tactile Ruler

tinted water in a graduate cylinder

Graduated Cylinder with Tinted Water

rolled up grip surface mat

Non-slip Mats

digital thermometer

Talking Digital Thermometer

large screen talking calculator

Talking Scientific Calculator

tinted water in a flask on top of stirring machine

Magnetic Stirrer

white pippette filler on stand

Pippette Filler

red switch activated pouring device on stand.

Pouring Cup

Enabling Devices

High-tech/Virtual tools

Dissection Apps

virtual microscope displaying bacteria and graphics/charts

Virtual Microscope

discovery vr logo

Virtual Reality

3D Printing and Assistive Technology

STEM-Focused Assistive Technology