Goal & Objectives

Goal: Design, fabricate, test, and deliver a functional MOPP system by April 2022


  • Identify limitations in current heart preservation technology

  • Increase the size of the donor heart pool by demonstrating the effectiveness of our device for hearts from cardiac dead patients (not just from brain dead patients)

  • Recruit a cardiothoracic surgeon to collaborate with for future implementation of the MOPP system

  • Increase the allowable time for heart transportation by better supporting and maintaining the health of the heart throughout preservation layover time

  • Develop a cost-effective and economically respectable model capable of profitability while still successfully solving the problem

  • Design a perfusate solution that reduces the overall metabolic rate while promoting ATP production through aerobic respiration

  • Ensure our devices is compliant with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) criteria to allow for air travel of donor hearts

Competitor Within The Market

The Transmedics OCS Heart System is a current model with a similar functional and aesthetic look to what we will design. However this system doesn't significantly improve heart transport times, keeps the heart at body temperature, uses blood to perfuse the heart, and keeps the heart regularly beating.