Design Problem

Every year biomolecular laboratories generate a combined total of 5.5 million tons of plastic waste!

Between pipette tips, gloves, weighing boats, tubes, and flasks, the pile of single-use plastic grows to significant heights in the quest for scientific discovery.

Team Clean aims to provide an efficient, accessible, and cost-effective solution to this problem by utilizing liquid-handling robotics to wash and reuse single-use plastic labware.

We will develop and validate a series of labware washing protocols to increase sustainability and reduce recurring costs in the process.

These procedures will be made available to any laboratory in hopes to make a serious impact on the waste involved with biological innovation!

GOAL 1 - Develop a Solution To Reduce Plastic Waste in Biomolecular Labs

Team Clean is dedicated to sustainability in the field of biological engineering. We aim to provide a powerful solution that can make a major impact on the waste produced by labs around the world.


  • Develop effective and inexpensive decontamination solution for cleaning single-use plastic

  • Program protocols in Opentrons Python-based API for the cleaning and rinsing of common types of plastic labware

  • Compile procedures into an easy-to-use manual

GOAL 2 - Publish Findings in Synthetic Biology Journal

Team Clean wants to share our solution with the WORLD! All our findings will be available to labs of any size across the globe.


  • Submit initial abstract to journals in December

  • Draft and submit manuscript compiling our findings and providing direction to implementation into a workflow