Complex Dynamical Systems Laboratory (CDSL)

Subhradeep Roy, Ph.D. 

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering Department 

Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University 

Welcome to CDSL! We are located in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University, just minutes away from the world famous Daytona Beach. At CDSL, we foster interdisciplinary collaboration to identify and decipher fundamental research questions arising in the natural world. Primarily the research goal is to advance the understanding of complex dynamics in both networked man-made and self-organizing biological systems that inform robust control algorithms in engineered systems. CDSL takes an interdisciplinary and data-driven approach to study the influence of pairwise interactions on higher-order system dynamics. CDSL targets diverse systems including biologically inspired robotic swarms, brain connectivity networks, and traffic and transportation networks.


As a PhD student, Raju will continue to conduct research at CDSL after defending his master's thesis in summer 2024. The focus of his PhD dissertation will be on traffic systems and human driving behavior. Thanks to NSF CAREER Award, which will support his doctoral studies. 

Check out the presentation: link

Check out our presentation: link

Congratulations to Jeremy Lemus! 🥂

Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin Jantzen and Colin Shea-Blymyer! 🥂

Check out our presentation: link

Congratulations Jeremy, for his first-author publication! 🥂