Here you will find links and downloadable resources for each of the topics.
Here you will find links and downloadable resources for each of the topics.
Accessing Virginia’s Market Sectors: Fresh Produce Purchasing Considerations
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Resource Guide for Farmers
Considerations for Producers Seeking Market Access to Schools
COVID-19 Social Distancing Signage for Use at Farmers Markets
Fruit and Vegetable Marketing for Small-Scale and Part-Time Growers
Online Ordering Options for Farm Sales during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education - Organic: Marketing
What do I need to know to provide samples at the farmers market?
What do I need to know to sell fermented vegetables at the farmers market?
Vegetable Production
Vegetable Production
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management
Soils, Fertility, and Nutrient Management
Soils, Fertility, and Nutrient Management
Growing Under Cover
Growing Under Cover
Organic Certification
Organic Certification
Food Safety
Food Safety