
Working Papers

Weather anomalies-- departures from the long-term average -- often influence agricultural products' yields and market prices. We explore the relationship between five major commodity prices and weather anomalies from 1980 to 2022. Our research builds on the understanding that these relationships are inherently nonlinear and subject to structural shifts/breaks. Using a Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) and a Smooth transition vector error correction model (STVECM), we explore the influence of selected weather anomalies, on commodity prices and account for nonlinear and potentially smooth structural breaks using Logistic/Exponential forms of the transition functions. The results confirm the non-linear relationship between these weather anomalies and our commodity prices. Additionally, there is a significant correlation between the anomalies and agricultural commodity prices. We find that positive weather deviations (warmer temperatures) result in a price decrease, while negative deviations (cooler temperatures) increase the prices. We further show these effects using generalized impulse response functions and the derived measures of asymmetry.

Policy Papers

Gupta, A. and Quaye, L.-A., “Cost-benefit Analysis of WFP’s Food Assistance for Assets projects: Evidence from Rwanda and Zimbabwe” UN World Food Programme. April 5, 2022

Online Publications

Research Projects

Work in Progress

Reviewer Duty
