2021: The Year Everything Changed

I don't know how many of you actually read my "blog". I'm not trying to be some crazy influencer (no thanks, I'll pass). I started this "blog" as a way to share some of my favorites things, but overtime it's become something that is also for me. It reminds me of the goals I set for myself each year. I always enjoy looking back on the previous years too and reminiscing about my adventures throughout the year.

It was a big year for me- everything changed; I became a mom. That still feels really weird to say. Much of my time this year was spent mentally, physically, and emotionally preparing for baby. However, I made sure I prioritized my health and work on achieving some of my goals.

Here were the 10 goals I set for myself in 2021:

  1. Try 50 new recipes. I have hit this goal (or succeeded it) every year. This was the first year I did not hit this goal. I lost track of how many new recipes I tried, but it was less than 20. This was mainly due to the fact that I got pregnant! First trimester is no joke- I lived off cereal. I felt better in the second trimester, but it's my busiest time with work so between that and planning for baby, I needed quick, easy, and familiar.

  2. Visit new places. We were able to return to The Great Smoky Mountains where we created our pregnancy announcement and explored the park in more detail since we had only done one hike previously. We always found our way to the Pacific Northwest: Olympic National Park and Mount Rainier National Park. I also visited new local restaurants and take a babymoon.

  3. Pay off my student loan. We ended up not paying them off...or paying anything on them actually. We have a really good amount saved up to pay them off. However, since the no interest rate was extended, we're holding out hope that the government will pay off at least a portion of them. But we're sort of at the point where we're tired of holding off and will probably pay them off soon.

  4. Write 10 blog posts. I did hit this goal! I don't know if I really consider them a blog post since I've changed over from Wordpress to a Google Site. If you are reading this and haven't had a chance to check out the site, please do so!

  5. Continue practicing my French. I am currently at a 715 day streak as I publish this. I worked really hard to make sure I never missed a day...yes, even while I was in the hospital having a baby!

  6. Stay moving. My goal was to his my move goal 250 times and work on a consistent workout schedule. I definitely did not workout while pregnant (other than walking the dog). I did hit my move goal about 220 times (probably a few more, but I missed wearing my watch a couple days). Once I'm cleared to be active again, I do plan to get back to working out. Even if it's not consistent.

  7. Practice self-care and find happiness in the little every-day joys. This year I was definitely able to do this.

  8. Read 20 books. Well, I definitely knocked this goal out of the water. I read 83 books. You can see a full list here.

  9. Create a Google Site for my blog. I decided to switch over from WordPress to a Google Site for this blog. If you're here, you've found it!

  10. My last goal was something I didn't share with the general public, but close friends and family knew. My last goal was to get pregnant. And that, I did! And nine months later, I had a baby! It wasn't as easy as I'm making it sound, but it was worth it.

Highlights from 2021

  1. Pregnant announcement

  2. Spending time with friends and family

  3. Visiting Des Moines, Iowa

  4. Visiting three new National Parks (New River Gorge, Olympic, Mount Rainier) and revisiting Great Smoky Mountains

  5. Maternity Photos

  6. Surviving my first 4-H Camp as an agent (and enjoying my job)

  7. Seeing Dan + Shay in concert (after a year and half of waiting)

  8. Babymooning at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware

  9. Having a baby (see his adventure themed nursery)

  10. Celebrating baby's first Christmas

So now, comes 2022. We never know what the next year (or day) will bring us so I try not to dwell on the "ifs". I do know that I have a sweet new baby boy to love on and watch grow and for that I am thankful. I'm in good health as are my family and friends. I enjoy my job. I get to explore new places.

As usual, I'm not a resolution person, but I always set a few goals for myself.

  1. Try 25 new recipes. I know things will be very different this year with a new baby so I don't want to overwhelm myself.

  2. Visit new places. The hubs and I turn 30 this year and we plan to celebrate that. Maybe even take a road trip with our little man.

  3. Keep this site updated.

  4. Continue practicing my French. Specifically hit 1,000 day streak (will be over that by the end of next year, provided I don't miss a day) and hit 50,000 XP.

  5. Stay moving. I want to stay as healthy and happy as possible, for me and my family.

  6. Read 22 audio books and 22 hard copy books.

  7. Spend more time with friends and family.

  8. Be the best mom I can be.