The Laboratory of 

Plant & Atmospheric 

Microbiology & (Meta)Genomics 


Welcome to our lab! 

Our goal is to answer basic and applied questions in the realm of plant and atmospheric microbiology using genetic, genomic, and metagenomic approaches.

We closely collaborate with computer scientist Dr. Lenwood Heath and bioinformatician Dr. Song Li to combine the latest technologies in experimental biology with the most efficient algorithms in DNA sequence analysis.

We train graduate students and undergraduate students at the intersection of biology and computer science and reach out to high school students as well.

Our motivation is to use creative, unique, & cutting-edge scientific approaches to answer basic questions about nature and to develop practical approaches to problems affecting society and the environment. We enjoy to learn, have ideas, and achieve goals together . We desire to contribute to a more equal and fair work environment. Being successful in what we do and being respected and appreciated for what we do gives us a sense of pride and satisfaction.