Individualized Cybersecurity Research Mentoring (iMentor) Workshop 2021

Call For Mentors

We are actively seeking senior Ph.D. students, postdocs, faculty, researchers, and engineers from industry in the field of cybersecurity (broadly defined) to serve as mentors. A mentor may be assigned to 1-3 mentees during the iMentor Workshop and ACM CCS Conference period (November 15-19th). We hope a mentor to attend the iMentor events and meet with their mentees during this period. There will also be a short training video for the mentors to watch before the workshop. The training video will explain more about the workshop arrangement and expectations. If needed, the workshop will try hard to match the time zones of mentors and mentees, making it convenient for people to meet.

To become a mentor, please submit your CV and a few sentences about why you would like to serve as a mentor on Make sure you check the "Mentor" box on the submission form.

We sincerely thank mentors for your support for the cause of inclusive excellence in cybersecurity research! We encourage mentors from underrepresented groups of the cybersecurity research community to apply. But you do not need to be. Everyone is welcome!