Illuminating Agricultural Extension and Education Career Opportunities


The Illuminating Agricultural Extension and Education Career Opportunities for STEM and Liberal Arts Undergraduate Students program results from a five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The program will focus on food safety, health, and food preservation in Appalachia and Senegal. The undergraduate students will be selected from Virginia Tech and Tennessee State University to participate in the program. The IACEAO initiative was implemented to combat food insecurities in the communities and provide service-learning opportunities for students wanting to go into extension work.

Program Timeline

  • Applications are due September 23rd, 2022

-See the application page for details about how to apply

  • The finalist will be interviewed through the month of October

  • Fellows will be selected at the end of October.

  • The program is a 4-week commitment

-One week in January for training

-One week in May for training

-Two weeks in Senegal

  • Students will receive a stipend of $1450 after completion of the program.

  • All travel expenses are covered(meals, flight, lodging, US travel, and in-country transportation).

  • A $250 deposit will be required to secure your spot. This deposit will be refunded at the end of the program.