September 22, 2024

Inside Out:

Emotion Garage Vol. V

AutomotiveUI 2024 - Stanford University, CA

About the Workshop

The rapid advancement of automated vehicles arouses the curiosity of researchers in the automotive field. Understanding the affective aspect of this advanced technology is critical to improving the interaction between humans and vehicles. The topics of this workshop will be expanded from focusing on the empathic interface design on the inside to the outside of the automated vehicles. The workshop will gather researchers and practitioners to brainstorm and design empathic in-vehicle interfaces and affective eHMIs targeting specific use cases with automated vehicles in the social context. During the workshop, participants will use an affective design tool and generative AIs to prototype their affective interface designs in automated vehicles. With this creative approach, we hope to expand the knowledge of affective eHMIs in addition to in-vehicle designs and understand social factors that contribute to the user perceptions of automated vehicles.


(Note: The time of the schedule will be updated based on the conference schedule)

2:00 - 2:15 PM


2:15 - 2:30 PM

Ice Breaking

2:30- 3:15 PM


3:15 - 3:30 PM

Coffee Break

3:30 - 4:20 PM


4:20 - 5:10 PM

Rapid Prototyping

5:10 - 6:00 PM

Presentations and Closing Remarks

In this workshop, we will...

Discuss and Brainstorm

Brainstorm traffic scenarios that require the system to consider the emotional responses of drivers in highly automated vehicles.

Design and Prototype

Use the Task Emotion Analysis (TEA) method and ChatGPT to develop empathic vehicle designs based on the chosen use case. 

Showcase the creativity 

Present and discuss the design & share insights with each other based on the topic.

Plan for the Future

Report participants' design results and discussions in a future poster for AutoUI next year. 

Venue Information

This workshop will be held at the Paul Brest Hall, Stanford University.

ADDRESS:  555 Salvatierra Walk, Stanford, CA, 94305

ROOM: 138

 We look forward to meeting you in Standord, California!