English Learners with Disabilities

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world."

                                                                                                                                                                                               ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein

VDOE's Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC)

English Learners (EL), also called English Language Learners (ELL), Emergent Bilingual (ELB), Multilingual Learners (ML), and English as a second language (ESL), are one of the fastest-growing populations in classrooms across the United States (United States Census Bureau). English Learners with disabilities represent an increasingly more significant segment of the K-12 student population. Nationally, approximately 1 in 7 students identified as English Learners were identified as having a disability in the 2018-19 school year, according to new federal data (Najarro, 2023). Because of the interaction of their disability and second-language learning processes, these students may have unique learning needs that affect teaching and how students show what they have learned (Watkins, 2013). One of the most significant challenges that impact English Learners is over-identification for special education services; therefore, collaboration among educational professionals is crucial to meet the unique needs of English Learners who may also have a disability. This page is a compilation of best practices for educators, parents, and guardians to reference as they navigate the educational processes to meet each child's needs.

April Focus is Vocabulary Instruction

Featured Videos (Updated 4/1/24)

Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Northwest

Teaching Newcomer English Learners: Four Powerful Vocabulary Practices

 Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) West

A Teaching Routine for Academic Vocabulary

Featured Resources (Updated 4/1/24)


Arrow showing progression of terminology from English as a Second Language (ESL) to Limited English Proficient (LEP) to English Language Learner (ELL) to Emergent Bilingual (EB) to Multilingual Learner (ML).

Adapted from  minnetesoljournal.org/journal-archive/mtj-2018-1/labels-as-limitations/

Professional Development  Opportunities

For more information, please contact Dana McCaleb or Kitty Wade.