This is a brief update on the Agriculture Workforce Training for Collaborative Leadership (AWT4CL) project. Our intent is to send a message like this once a month to keep various stakeholders informed of activities and opportunities related to the project. If this is no longer of interest to you, please reply to let us know. Otherwise, here’s the news….

AWT4CL Update for April 2024


Leadership Gap in Ag: While the cause of the leadership gap is not easily deciphered, common denominators include poor development of soft skills and the fast pace of modern agricultural businesses. In a recent post for the AWT4CL blog, Dr. Curt Friedel explored the dynamics and offered helpful recommendations for bridging the leadership gap. You can find this and other project-related blog posts at

Transfer Fair: Have you wondered how you can assist community college students to facilitate their transfer to four-year colleges? Inside Higher Ed posted an Academic Success Tip: Host a Transfer Fair. With virtual or in-person fairs, representatives from four-year institutions can provide interested community college students with insights into the transfer process. The article details the role of community college institutions and their students in organizing a productive fair.

Learning Badges: The opportunity is still open for feedback and contribution as we pilot-test the AWT4CL employability skill badges. What do you believe would be helpful to include in an instructor guide? What information needs to be shared with students so they understand the relationship between their learning, the badges, and success in the workplace? You can share your thoughts by emailing Eric Kaufman at  

Learning Effectively: Whether as a faculty or student, learning how to learn is key to success. If you want some ideas on how to teach yourself to learn, here are some helpful ideas. When acquiring and retaining a vast amount of information is central to your work, this article on “how to study effectively” may be your go-to. There is of course no panacea or magic wand to learning or studying effectively, and individuals may differ in their approaches.