This is a brief update on the Agriculture Workforce Training for Collaborative Leadership (AWT4CL) project. Our intent is to send a message like this once a month to keep various stakeholders informed of activities and opportunities related to the project. If this is no longer of interest to you, please reply to let us know. Otherwise, here’s the news….

AWT4CL Update for September 2023

Skills for Agriculture Framework:  A new Skills for Agriculture website has been launched by Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) to help the career progression of professionals working in agriculture. Workers, employers and educators can use the Skills for Agriculture (SfA) framework for a range of uses including developing job descriptions, supporting personal career planning and training needs, as well as identifying gaps in educational provision. For more information, check out How to use the SfA framework.


Extension Does Workforce Development: Did you know Cooperative Extension has a long history of facilitating Economic and Workforce Development?  An example of related curriculum, check out the Future Opportunities for Rural Workforce and Rural Development (FORWARD) curriculum.  Other resources are coordinated through the Economic & Workforce Development Program Action Team for the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP).   


Job Hopping: Do Ag Employers Care? Last month, an newsletter article pondered, “Is Barbie a Job Hopper?”  A related post by AgHires noted: “While job longevity is almost always a strength, job hopping is a mixed bag…. There are several advantages to job hopping over job longevity for ag job seekers as well as employers.” How do you view Barbie’s job-hopping experience?

Summary of Summer 2023 Activities: Learning requires the active, collaborative engagement of participants. This was the hallmark of the AWT4CL project activities for summer 2023. See the August blog post for details.  All of the AWT4CL project-related blog posts are available at the following URL: