Highlights from Cohort Connections
July 2022

On July 19th and 20th, 2022, the AWT4CL Cohort met at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke, Virginia. This in-person meeting provided new opportunities for both structured as well as informal discussions to take place. The meeting had two main purposes:

1) Explore the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) process as a tool for continuous improvement; and

2) What's Next? How to advance Agriculture Workforce Readiness across Virginia, and beyond.

During our time together, the cohort members shared Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) proposals with one another and explored relevant ideas. As part of that discussion, we learned about Agriculture Career Scenario Cards from Realtyworks. One of the ideas that seemed to generate strong interest involved the prospect of awarding digital badges (through Badgr, a.k.a. Canvas Credentials) for the 11 APLU employability skills.

As part of the strategic conversations, the cohort discussed how to leverage existing structures and networks to strengthen connections and communicate the available opportunities and partnerships. the group had a strong interest in forming a VCCS peer group. A peer group provides an opportunity to connect more broadly with agriculture-related curricula across Virginia. Potential venues for convening the peer group include the VCCS New Horizons conference or perhaps the Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators. Cohort members also seemed to express interest in presenting at New Horizons or the NACTA conference.

We had a surprise visitor Wednesday morning: Debbie Melvin, from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. Debbie has offered to be a resource in the future and also encouraged us to consider the Virginia Office of Education Economics as a resource.