Newton's 7th Grade ELA

What I Believe:

  • We are all readers. Some people just need help discovering the genre, level, and author(s) they enjoy.

  • Reading diverse texts helps students feel represented and helps them begin developing empathy for others.

  • Writing daily helps students form identity and explore what they believe.

  • The best way to improve your writing is by reading.

Me in 7th Grade

About me

This is my 12th year teaching English, and I am excited to be joining the Valley Park family.

When I'm not teaching, I enjoy running, baking, spending time with my husband and two daughters, and, of course, reading all of the young adult books I can get my hands on.

What you need to know:

  • This year I will be using Google Classroom to help distribute and collect assignments.

  • Students will spend time reading every day in either a book of choice or the class novel. We will track our minutes read on Biblionasium (link below). I will provide them with their account information.

  • Students will write daily in a composition notebook that will be kept in the classroom.

  • Students will receive a daily lesson covering one or more of the following topics: reading strategies, writing development, grammar, and/or vocabulary.

  • Students will regularly conference with me about both their reading and writing.

  • Students will engage in class discussions.

  • Students will showcase their learning through a variety of formative and summative assessments aligned with the Missouri Learning Standards.

Sites and Resources

Mrs. Newton's Classroom Library Waiver.pdf
  • Newton's Classroom Library Waiver