Plenary Speakers

Sebastian Pokutta

Georgia Tech

Title: Smooth Constraint Convex Minimization via Conditional Gradients

Abstract: Conditional Gradients (aka Frank-Wolfe Methods) are an important class of algorithms for smooth constraint convex minimization, in particular when projection onto the feasible region is non-trivial or sparse representation of iterates via extreme points is desired. Due to their simplicity, conditional gradient methods have become the methods of choice for many applications despite often suboptimal theoretical convergence rates. In fact, often the empirically observed rates are significantly better than the worst-case rates and recent refinements of the basic conditional gradients methods achieve, e.g., linear convergence in the strongly convex case or allow for variance-reduced stochastic variants. In this talk I will discuss some of these recent developments and discuss further extensions as well as open problems.

Georgia Tourassi

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Title: The Promise of AI for Actionable Health Intelligence

Abstract: Healthcare is clearly experiencing a data revolution. With advances in digital health records, genomic sequencing, continuing growth of social networks and media for community-health, and the emerging "App" market for health-related mobile and web-enabled applications – there is tremendous access and availability of private and public data for advancing precision medicine and improving population health. This ability to leverage these datasets for translational value, across the continuum of basic, preclinical, and clinical science will be critical for addressing in an effective and timely manner emerging personalized and population healthcare challenges. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) is making continuing advances in biomedicine. However, there are outstanding questions of how AI can provide actionable clinical insights. We will highlight promising health informatics applications while emphasizing the current and emerging challenges of ensuring their translational value and broad population impact.

Yonghong Chen

Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator

Title: Application of Optimization Methods on Power Systems: Past Success and Future Challenges

Abstract: The core of the electricity market clearing software is large scale security constrained unit commitment and security constrained economic dispatch problems. Through the development of advanced modeling and the application of state of the art optimization solvers, the market clearing applications enabled Regional Transmission Operators to bring billions of dollars of benefit to the society. The power industry evolution has posed unprecedented challenges to the existing optimization and computation techniques. The drivers for these new challenges include the footprint expansion of electricity markets, the modeling requirements for more complicated resources such as fast-growing distributed energy resources (DER), virtual power plants (VPP), renewables and the necessity to manage increased uncertainty in market operations. This talk first shared the research and development led to the past success and the on-going efforts in developing new modeling and solution approaches to prepare for future challenges.

Fred Murphy

Temple Univesity

Harvey Greenberg Memorial Plenary

How the Work that Harvey and I Did at the Federal Energy Administration (later Department of Energy) Shaped Our Research Careers and Led to Our Decades Long Collaboration and Friendship

Harvey and I spent several years working together at what is now known as the Energy Information Administration. Our most intense period was when we were doing research on fly to model the impacts of policies that were under consideration when the White House Energy Policy Office was developing Carter’s National Energy Plan. In this paper I detail the equilibrium modeling and analysis we did to estimate the impacts of the National Energy Plan and other policy proposals. Because we were dealing with untrod territory, we wound up with decades worth of research questions from that short, intense period. I cover some of these areas and describe some of what we did after leaving

Washington and the current state of the art in these areas. I also point out some of the research questions that need more attention.

Matthias Koeppe

University of California, Davis

Computational cutgeneratingfunctionology: Certifying next-generation cutting planes for mixed integer linear programming

MIP practitioners solve large-scale mixed integer optimization problems to optimality or near-optimality by competent modelization and running a black-box branch-and-cut solver. This technology was enabled to a large part by the revival of Gomory's classic general-purpose cutting planes. Challenging new applications and increased data sizes now require the development of next-generation cutting-plane systems. In my talk I will give a brief review of cutgeneratingfunctionology, a framework for analyzing general-purpose cuts, and highlight some research challenges in this framework. I will then introduce computational methods, including automated proof techniques, that address these difficulties.