Meet our Speakers

Lucy Webster

Lucy Webster has been an advisory teacher at EMC since 1999. She is co-editor of emagazine, runs courses and writes and edits publications, specialising in A Level English Literature. Recent publications include Doing Close Reading, study guides to Streetcar Named Desire, Hamlet, King Lear, Atonement and Mrs Dalloway and Yes We Can: EMC Approaches to Rhetoric – A Practical Guide for 11-14 She edited The Literature Reader and co-edited What Matters in English Teaching.

Arlene Holmes-Henderson

Arlene Holmes-Henderson is Professor of Classics Education and Public Policy at Durham University where she holds a British Academy Innovation Fellowship (2022-2024). She leads several research projects at Durham including an interdisciplinary project with colleagues in Education, English and Psychology, 'Shy Bairns Get Nowt', which investigates the relationship between oracy, persuasion and employability. In 2024, she is working with Dr Tom Wright (University of Sussex) on the AHRC-funded project ‘Challenging Oracy and Citizenship Myths’. Her work here focuses on co-designing with teachers new resources on oracy for use in Scottish schools. Arlene was awarded an MBE for Services for Education by King Charles III in the Birthday Honours 2023.

Louise Jenkins 

An experienced year six teacher, English lead and assistant headteacher, Louise brings over 18 years of classroom expertise working in Leicester city schools. She believes passionately in the power of oracy to transform the educational experiences and outcomes of all pupils and has recently participated in the Voicing Vocabulary project.

Charles Hewitt 

Charles Hewitt is a Deputy Head Teacher and Specialist Leader of Education in Birkenhead, Wirral. He is passionate about oracy, inclusion and educational leadership. He is the founding member of Oracy North West, a network of educators dedicated to improving oracy provision and pedagogy across the North West.  

Kanwal Sheikh 

Oracy Specialist and History Lead, who is committed to cultivating effective communication and historical understanding. I am passionate about empowering and inspiring learners to actively engage in dialogue and critical thinking and develop a deeper appreciation of the past, as well as equipping them with the tools to help shape narratives that resonate in today's world.

Chris Barratt 

Chris is Principal at Summerhill Academy, Bristol, part of the Cabot Learning Federation. Oracy is seen as a key driver of success at Summerhill, supporting children's life chances and helping them to thrive.

Lauren Curzon

Lauren trained with Teach First and is now the Raising Attainment and Maths Lead at Summerhill Academy. She is also training to be a maths hub mastery specialist with the NCETM. Lauren champions the value of oracy and the vital role that it can play in mathematics and wider education.

Sheba George 

Sheba George is a Deputy Headteacher at Challney High School for Girls, a secondary school for girls, located in Luton, Bedfordshire. The belief that all pupils can develop the skills and confidence to become ‘influential women of the future’ is threaded through every aspect of school life. As well as being the Oracy lead, Sheba also oversees Teaching & Learning and Curriculum.

Dr Khawla Badwan

Dr Khawla Badwan is Reader in TESOL and applied linguistics at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Her research interests include language education, language and sustainability, social justice, mobility, identity, place, and intercultural communication. Her most recent publication is Language in a Globalised World: Social Justice Perspectives on Mobility and Contact (Palgrave, 2021). She is editor of Global Migration and Diversity of Educational Experiences in the Global South and North: A Child-Centred Approach (Routledge, 2023).

Alice Chan

Alice Chan is Head of Policy and External Affairs at the Skills Builder Partnership-  an organisation with a mission to build everyone's essential skills. Prior to her current role, Alice worked in government in a variety of policy and strategy roles, most recently on ill health prevention. She is also a school governor at a local primary school.

Ryan Nzolameso

Ryan, an 18-year-old student at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College, is a fervent advocate for mental health awareness, with a specific focus on challenges within the black community. Beyond his studies, he expresses his commitment through creative mediums like acting and performances at church events, aiming to foster understanding and support for mental wellness.

Jeff Bird

Jeff Bird is a 17-year-old student from St Brendan’s Sixth Form College. He has always taken pride in a diverse skill set, sharpened by a wide rage of hobbies and interests. Recognising the positive effect each one has on his mental, physical and social health, he is keen to share their importance, so that others might benefit from them too.

Paula Shore

Before joining Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust as an Assistant Director for Education, Paula was a school advisor in Bracknell Forest Council. Prior to this she was a headteacher in 4 different counties and later an executive headteacher overseeing 5 primary schools in Bristol. During her school leadership career, she attained both the NPQH and NPQEL.  With a passion for learning and developing opportunities she has recently been awarded an MBA in Educational Leadership . She remains a member of the Chartered Management Institute and Chartered College of Teaching. Having worked across several educational sectors both in England and overseas, including Children’s Centres, Universities, faith-based and community primary schools and three all through schools, she continues to develop an understanding of how education addresses the diverse needs of its communities.    

Clare Sutherland

Clare is an Assistant Director of Education for the Bath and Wells Multi-Academy Trust. Prior to joining the trust, she worked as a School Improvement Officer for a local authority, with additional responsibilities that included leading the ECT Appropriate Body, running governance and leadership training, as well as moderation and monitoring of statutory assessments in both KS1 and KS2. Clare has a postgraduate certificate in education, qualified teacher status, the national professional qualification for headship and a level 5 professional coaching qualification. Her key areas of specialism are strategic leadership, curriculum development, pedagogy, and precision of data and assessment. Clare believes that what happens in the classroom day-in, day-out makes the biggest difference to children’s outcomes. 

Kavin Wadhar

Kavin Wadhar is a parent of two young children and author of "Little Big Conversations" - a parenting guide to getting kids talking and thinking in fun and new ways. He is a former EdTech founder and currently works as a consultant at PwC.

Alison Downing

Alison Downing has 30 years of teaching experience. She was Assistant Head at an Outstanding Infant School, leading English and Oracy at this Voice 21 Centre of Excellence. Alison is currently working for the DFE as a Literacy Specialist and is Oracy Lead for Kernow Learning Multi Academy Trust in Cornwall.

Karl Cross 

I am Oracy lead at Barrowford School in East Lancashire. I have been working with and alongside Voice 21 for the past few years and was recently involved in the Voicing Vocabulary project with them and I am passionate about oracy improving every child's outcomes

Louise Pennington

Louise is the Professional Development Lead at Oxford University Press. She is a founding fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and also a trustee and council member for the Mathematical Association where she chairs the Professional Development Committee. With a career spanning from classroom to leadership roles, Louise has served as a primary school teacher, lead maths teacher, SENCo, Local Authority specialist teacher for maths and SEND and LA SEND team leader. Her contributions extend to the Numicon and MyMaths author teams, keynote and workshop delivery and numerous published articles on primary mathematics.