Department of History 


VIVA College strives to create excellent platform of growth for students with its infrastructure facilities to give birth to an era of Active Alert and Competitive Generation.


Our mission is to provide quality education to students. To teach them the value of education and make them believe in the education system. 


The History Department’s goal is to educate students about the past and its impacts

through teaching, and outreach activities in Indian history within the global

historical context . We believe that a critical understanding of history is essential

for students to comprehend the present and envision the future. Our aspiration is to

become a leading institution providing high-quality, research- driven and relevant

higher education that fosters knowledge creation to empower individuals for

positive societal change. In our department, we aim to see our students as

successful individuals committed to lifelong learning, cultivating research oriented

mindset, enhancing communication skills, preparing for competitive exams and

instilling a sense of social responsibility.


Our goal is to provide high-quality education that instills values through excellent

teaching, learning and research. We aim to foster an innovative environment using

modern technology to help students become entrepreneurial, professional and

responsible citizens. Faculty members at Viva College have organized conferences

at various levels and have made significant contribution to reputable journals and

publication. The history department is dedicated to understanding events at local,

regional, National and international levels, to view the past objectively and

envision the future. We engage students with interactive teaching methods and

activities, encouraging the use of ICT and social media platform for promoting

department events. The department offers a yearly 30-hour Certificate Course and

faculty members specialized in diverse areas, continuously updating their

knowledge. Annual seminars and conferences with invited speakers are organized

for faculty and students, along with collaborative engagement with other colleges.

The college’s main objectives include educating, motivating and fostering

optimism among students, promoting gender equity and facilitating intellectual

dialogues for student improvement. Our mission is to transform students into

critically informed citizens, promote studies in Maharashtra’s history and culture,

empower students to navigate globalization challenges and equip them with the

knowledge to face future challenges confidently, We strive to create a learning and

research environment of high academic ,professional and ethical standards that

contribute to students' multidimensional personality development and growth in

personal, professional and social aspects to meet industry and community needs.

Courses offered

Program-wise intake capacity

Vinod Dwarkadas Vairagi


Rishikesh Ramesh Gosavi


Shradha Hemant Dhure