Research Thesis/Projects

Ph.D. Thesis 

Title - “A Study to Improve Secure Data Communication in Client-Cloud Environment with Data Alert Protocol ”

Duration - (July 2014 - Nov 2021)

Description - In this dissertation, an efficient secure cloud computing framework has been developed. This framework consists of data grouping based on fuzzy c-means (FCM). It has been used for the individual and associative rankings of uploaded text data on the cloud. For the decision selection and ranking of the data, a simple additive weighting (SAW) method has been used.  In the first phase, the data pre-processing is applied based on the weight assigned. The weight assigned is based on the data values presented in the uploaded text data. There a total of 10 data categories for the data attribution; it is completely unbiased as it depends on the data frequency. After the data preprocessing on the uploaded data from cloud computing, FCM has been applied. The grouping has been performed based on the security similarity requirement or based on the weight aggregation. First, the score in terms of aggregated assessment ranking has been calculated based on SAW. Then the decision performances have been arranged. There is a total of three encryption standards have been considered in our dissertation. RC6, AES, and RSA algorithms have been used as a combination for complex key security. Based on the decision performance ranking top higher rank which supports are >=50% adopted all the three security algorithms, only one key is applied for the remaining data. Unauthorized access trapping and data deletion mechanism are also provided for trapping unauthorized access.

M.E. Thesis

Title - “An Efficient Cloud data Mining (CDM) Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining in Cloud Computing Environment”

Duration - (July 2011- Feb 2012)


Description - This Dissertation shows the result and scenario of increasing application of different category in cloud environment which make cloud and its application easy for the users. The application when merged with cloud environment it increases the application category and shows the result in term of cost, application, and space in cloud environment.

B.E. Project Work Done

Major Project

Title - “CRYPTOGRAPHY using LSB”

Duration - 6 months (Jan 2007- June 2007)


Description - This project hides information in an audio song using a key. Key is known to the receiver and sender and to hide information we use LSB (Least Significant Bit) technique because it does not show the change in the original audio.


Minor Project

Title - “KERBROSE- A Network Security System”

Duration - 6 months (Jan 2006 - June 2006)


Description - This project is used as an authentication system having 3 different servers with high security. The user does not directly interact with the service provider server and during service,  the user has a token with a session that is valid for one-time login.