Model Economic Forum 2018

The Model Economic Forum is a platform for students to discuss and debate over burning issues. It is inspired by the agendas of the World Economic Forum. The students as delegates debate over the chosen socio-economic issues and recieve felicitations and certificates for their performaces. The forum is organised by the students of the department of Economics and Politics.

The first Model Economic Forum (2018), organised by the students of the department, under the guidance of Prof. Apurba Kumar Chattopadhyay, saw a discussion and debate on the “Reconstruction of the Mullaperiyar Dam”. The first session was a satisfying success, which encouraged us to organise more such events in the upcoming semesters with undeniable help and enthusiasm from our professors and staffs.

Model Economic Forum Feb 2019

The second Model Economic Forum was organised on February 2019. The issue of “Farmers’ Suicide in India” was raised as the topic of discussion. The session was coordinated by our eminent professors Prof. Sarbajit Sengupta and Prof. Sudipta Bhattacharya. We were lucky to have Prof R. Nagraj, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), as our chief guest and respected judge for the session.

Model Economic Forum Oct 2019

The third Model Economic Forum was a whole day programme, organised together with other events as- a Poster making competition (judged by Prof. Prasun Kanti Bhattacharya, ex-professor Kala Bhavana) and a Picture Composition contest (judged by Prof. Apurba Kumar Chattopadhyay, Dept. Of Economics and Politics, VB and Prof. Prasun Kanti Bhattacharya, ex-professor Kala Bhavana).

The topic of discussion in the forum was "Water Crisis in Rural and Urban India". It was an inter-university level programme organised by the students of the department of Economics and Politics, Visva Bharati; coordinated by our professors Dr. Achiransu Acharyya and Prof . Sudipta Bhattacharya; funded under SAP DRS II. We were obliged to have Mr. Kalyan Rudra, Chairman, West Bengal Pollution Control Board; Mr. Nilanjan Ghosh, Director, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Kolkata and Prof. Shibani Chaudhury, Dept. Of Environmental Studies, Visva Bharati as the keynote speakers and respected judges for the session.