Scheduling, Organizing, Prioritizing:

Taming the Homeschool Chaos

Join us as we discuss ways to organize and schedule your homeschool days.

Learn useful tips and strategies from a panel of fellow home educators.

September 22, 2021

10:00 am-11:30 am

Portable 5, Byron Campus (Masks required)

K-8 room 2, Lodi Campus (Masks required)

Coffee and To-Go Goodies will be provided!

if childcare is an issue for you, we are also planning a fun activity for your kids during the workshop.

(age 4 and up, RSVP required)

Or join us online, too!

Our Panel of Organizational Experts

Hi all! I’m Collette Fox. I graduated from Vista Oaks a year and a half ago. I was passionate about achieving my academic goals and finding ways to excel beyond the Vista Oaks campus and program. I am so excited to share my experience of blending the homeschool/charter school routines with my spin on impactful organization.

I'm Sarah Meier and this is my eighth year homeschooling. For years, I juggled health issues and homeschooling. So, whether we are schooling on the go, in a school room or at the dining room table, keeping our supplies and curriculum organized helps keep our days running smoothly.

I’m Candice Thompson and I started homeschooling my kids from the very beginning with my first child. I currently have three kids who are in 5th, 3rd and Kinder. I love my time teaching them academics and life skills that they will hopefully carry with them into adulthood. I also have the privilege of working with the Think Tank team at Vista Oaks, helping students reach their full potential in math, as well as teaching Sunday School with ESL kids at a small church. Life is full and there’s never a dull moment!

I am Cindy McCauley. I am Mom to 6 kids and have been stepping in as teacher for the last 4 years! I love taking pictures, going on adventures, and belting out Disney classics in the car.

The Alhadhrami family started homeschooling last year. What was initially done as a response to the Covid 19 pandemic has stuck as a way to learn that works well for their family. A busy mother of three, a full-time cardiology nurse practitioner, and faculty at a university‘s nursing program, Gabby recently completed her doctorate in education. The family has developed a unique strategy of organization That relies heavily on student accountability. Tareem (6th) and Mariam (4th) have learned to organize their work and utilize resources.

October 20, 2021

Beyond the Diploma:

Using Naviance to Help High Schoolers Chart Their Course

We can't wait to see you!