Is Math mundane?

Has Language Arts lost its luster?

Does Science seem stale?

Is History just ho hum?

Join us for our 7th annual

Curriculum Extravaganza

So Many Books, So Little Time

Monday, May 13, 2024

10:00 - Noon

in the Classrooms

at the Byron Campus

* Browse through an assortment of curriculum gems 

* Talk with parents who are currently using them 

* Gather interesting new ideas for next year

The following events will ALSO take place that morning...

9:30 in Portable 5

New Parent Orientation

(New Families to Vista Oaks and those wanting a refresher)

11:00 in Room 4

TK-K Kickoff


10:00 in the Courtyard



(Visit with veteran Vista Oaks parents at the Courtyard tables)

You are welcome to bring your kids to this event!