When joining a Japanese workplace: Organizations you should know about 

Many individuals who aspire to work in Japan may not be familiar with the procedures, types of residence statuses, or how to navigate daily life after starting their jobs. In this article, we will introduce organizations and services that you, as international workers in Japan, should know about when considering employment opportunities.

1) Organization for Technical Internship for Foreigners (OTIT)

The Organization for Technical Intern Training for Foreigners (OTIT) was established to ensure the proper implementation of technical intern training programs and to protect the rights of technical intern trainees. Specifically, OTIT approves technical internship plans and provides guidance to supervisory organizations and internship providers.

[OTIT] Recommendations for Trainee Training Implementers

On the Organization for Technical Internship for Foreigners' website, you can download manuals on health and safety measures for various job categories and the necessary forms for procedures.

Recommendations for Technical Intern Trainees

For international workers seeking technical internships, consultation services are available in various languages, including Vietnamese, Chinese, Indonesian, Filipino, English, Thai, Cambodian, and Burmese. The available dates and times may vary depending on the language, so please check the website for details.

Additionally, you can download a Japanese language learning application, which is essential for acquiring skills. You can also access the Technical Intern Handbook, distributed upon your arrival in Japan, in PDF or app format. The app also provides real-time disaster information, so we encourage you to make use of these resources. We also recommend sharing these services with your fellow trainees.

Website of the Organization for Technical Internship for Foreigners: https://www.otit.go.jp/

2)Immigration and Emigration Agency


The Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Agency, commonly referred to as the "Immigration Bureau," is the administrative agency responsible for managing all individuals entering and leaving Japan. The Immigration Bureau handles everything from immigration and residence examinations to providing assistance for residents.

[Recommendations for Foreign Workers]

On the Immigration Bureau’s website, you can check the necessary procedures for each status of residence if you wish to apply for one, or change yours. All forms of documents are also downloadable. The website is also updated daily with information such as online applications and information on immigration and visa status, but also news about coronavirus for instance. The website contains all the information necessary for yourself so be sure to check it frequently.

For international workers living in Japan, consultation offices, such as the General Information Center for Foreign Residents, are available at regional immigration bureaus or branch offices. They can assist you with inquiries in multiple languages via phone, in-person, or email, including Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Nepali, Indonesian, Thai, Khmer (Cambodian), Burmese, Mongolian, French, Sinhalese, and Urdu.

Furthermore, there are consultation centers in cooperation with local government offices that offer one-stop services for administrative procedures, immigration processes, daily life inquiries, and information provision.

The Foreign Resident Support Center (FRESC) provides consultation services for foreign residents and offers support to international workers. Consultation services are available at the Immigration Bureau, Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners, and by phone. FRESC also conducts employment seminars, providing information on resume writing and interviews.

Support Center for Foreign Residents: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/fresc/fresc01.html

The Portal Site for Supporting Foreign Residents in Japan is a website offering essential information in multiple languages to help you lead a safe life in Japan. It includes government notices and the "Guidebook for Living and Working in Japan," which contains valuable information on daily life and employment. The site also provides easy Japanese language guidelines to assist you in your journey as a foreign resident.

Portal site for foreign residents support for living in Japan: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/portal/index.html

Living and working guidebook: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/guidebook_all.html

Easy Japanese Guidelines for Supporting Residence in Japan: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/portal/plainjapanese_guideline.html#midashi02

3)Hello Work

Hello Work offers various job hunting assistance and recruitment support for international workers in Japan. It provides an employment support system designed to help you find suitable job opportunities.

[Employment Service Center for Foreigners]

The center provides information on creating job applications and offers examples of employment support for foreign employees. Additionally, Hello Work provides job listings across Japan and connects you with relevant opportunities. The center also offers consultations on working conditions, including wages and working hours. There are four centers located in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka.

Employment Center for Foreigners: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_12638.html

Foreign Student Corner 

The International Student Corner is located in 21 Hello Work offices throughout Japan to support international students who wish to find employment in Japan.

Click here to see the locations

4)Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Website: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/index.html

The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) provides support for international workers as part of its initiatives to promote employment in Japan. Here is a detailed overview of the support available for international workers.

Foreigner Management and Employment Advisors

Employment Management Advisors for Foreigners offer consultations and guidance based on their professional knowledge and experience concerning the enhancement of employment management and addressing challenges faced by foreign workers in their professional lives. In order to ensure appropriate employment management and working conditions for the growing number of foreign workers each year, every prefecture has established a Foreigner Management and Employment Advisor.

To access a Foreigner Management and Employment Advisor, please consult your local Hello Work office. There is no consultation fee. For further information, please click here.

Example Sentences and Glossary

To effectively convey working conditions and related information with your employer, it is recommended you ask to use easily understandable Japanese and have them explain to you the differences in culture and customs unique to Japan. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has introduced example sentences in “easy Japanese” for this purpose.

The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has also compiled a “collection of key points and examples for managing labor in workplaces with non-Japanese employees” with the aim of creating workplaces where both Japanese and non-Japanese employees can work comfortably.

The glossary further offers definitions and example sentences for approximately 420 terms related to labor and social insurance that are frequently used in personnel and labor management situations. This glossary is available in nine languages, including English, Korean, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, and "Easy Japanese."

Multilingual Glossary for Employment Management


These are some of the organizations and resources you should be aware of when considering employment opportunities in Japan as an international worker.

With the growing number of foreign workers in Japan, various support organizations are available to assist you in your journey. If you have any concerns or questions about working in Japan, please take advantage of the services offered by the organizations introduced here.

For additional guidance and information, you can also reach out to our office.

Please contact us at info@visaoffice.jp."