Class of 2024

Please remember that you are allowed college days during your Junior and Senior years. Juniors are allowed 2 days, Seniors are allowed 3 days. You may use these days to visit college campuses, talk to military recruiters, or get more information on trade occupations. Upon returning from your college day, you will meet with me to discuss how it went and work on what your next step in any application process may be.

If you plan to take a college day, please be sure to complete the pre-arranged absence form that is in the main office and turn it in at least 2 days before your anticipated absence. This form requires signatures from your parents/guardians and Mr. Stewart, as well as each teacher that you have class with. Please remember that college days may not be taken the last two weeks of a Semester. College days may not be taken the day immediately before or following a holiday, unless the school being visited has a published open house on that date.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me and we can set up a time to meet!

It will not be considered a College Day if you do not complete the appropriate process.