Part of CPS-IoT Week 2021

May 18, 2021


Hours are given in Central Daylight Time (CDT)

Session 1

08:45am-09:00am Opening

09:00am-10:00am Keynote talk by Chih-Hong Cheng from DENSO: Monitoring and Testing towards AD Safety Standard Compliance [Slides]

Session 2

10:15am-10:45am Constrained Optimization for Hybrid System Falsification and Application to Conjunctive Synthesis [PDF] [Slides]

10:45am-11:15am Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems [PDF][Slides]

11:15am-11:45am Automatic Optimizations for Runtime Verification Specifications [PDF][Slides]

Session 3

12:30pm-01:00pm Android Collusion Detection Using Linear Temporal Logic [PDF] [Slides]

01:00pm-01:30pm Certified Perception for Autonomous Cars [PDF][Slides]

Session 4

1:45pm-2:15pm Mining Shape Expressions [PDF] [Slides]

2:15pm-2:45pm Logical Signal Processing: a Fourier Analysis of Temporal Logic [PDF][Slides]

2:45pm-3:00pm Closing


Chih-Hong Cheng, DENSO

Monitoring and Testing towards AD Safety Standard Compliance

Abstract: Implementing autonomous driving functions while adhering to safety standards is foundational for improving safety and protecting any organization from the legal dispute. In this talk, I will first present an overview of three safety standards (SOTIF, SaFAD, ANSI/UL4600) in terms of their underlying mindset. Subsequently, I share my personal opinion on scientific challenges in monitoring and testing challenges to fulfill the expectation from the standards. Addressing these challenges, I believe that the first and crucial step is to produce the specification available to be monitored or tested. With this reflection, I categorize some of my preliminary works in DNN testing and monitoring by the type of specification being adapted.

Bio: Currently, Chih-Hong Cheng is a technical manager at DENSO, researching safety technologies for autonomous driving. Before DENSO, he held research positions in fortiss and ABB Corporate Research. He received his doctoral degree in CS from the Technical University of Munich.

Accepted papers:

  • Android Collusion Detection Using Linear Temporal Logic, Richard Allen and Markus Roggenbach [PDF]

  • Automatic Optimizations for Runtime Verification Specifications, Jan Baumeister, Bernd Finkbeiner, Matthis Kruse, Stefan Oswald, Noemi Passing and Maximilian Schwenger [PDF]

  • Logical Signal Processing: a Fourier Analysis of Temporal Logic, Niraj Basnet and Houssam Abbas [PDF]

  • Model-Bounded Monitoring of Hybrid Systems, Masaki Waga, Étienne André and Ichiro Hasuo [PDF]

  • Certified Perception for Autonomous Cars, Uriel Guajardo, Annie Bryan, Nikos Arechiga, Sergio Campos, Jeff Chow, Daniel Jackson, Soonho Kong, Geoffrey Litt and Josh Pollock [PDF]

  • Constrained Optimization for Hybrid System Falsification and Application to Conjunctive Synthesis, Sota Sato, Masaki Waga and Ichiro Hasuo [PDF]

  • Mining Shape Expressions, Ezio Bartocci, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, Felix Gigler, Cristinel Mateis, Dejan Nickovic and Xin Qin [PDF]