
(* indicates undergrad co-author)

Barnard-Kubow, KB, and Galloway, LF. 2017. Variation in reproductive isolation across a species range. Ecology and Evolution 7: 9347-9357.

Barnard-Kubow, KB, McCoy, MA*, and Galloway, LF. 2017. Biparental chloroplast inheritance leads to rescue from cytonuclear incompatibility. New Phytologist 213: 1466-1476.

Barnard-Kubow, KB, So, N*, and Galloway, LF. 2016. Cytonuclear incompatibility contributes to the early stages of speciation, Evolution 70: 2752-2766.

Barnard-Kubow, KB, Debban, CL, and Galloway, LF. 2015. Multiple glacial refugia lead to genetic structuring and the potential for reproductive isolation in an herbaceous plant. American Journal of Botany 102:1842-1853.

Barnard-Kubow, KB, Sloan, DB, and Galloway, LF. 2014. Correlation between sequence divergence and polymorphism reveals similar evolutionary mechanisms acting across multiple timescales in a rapidly evolving genome. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:268.

Prendeville, HR, Barnard-Kubow, KB, Dai, C, Barringer, BC, and Galloway, LF. 2013. Clinal variation for only some phenological traits across a species range. Oecologia 173:421-430

Peterson, DL, Kubow, KB, Connolly, M, Kaplan, L, Wetkowski, M, Leong, W, Phillips, BC. and Edmands, S. 2013. Reproductive and phylogenetic divergence of tidepool copepod populations across a narrow geographic boundary in Baja California. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1664-1675.

Shama, LNS, Kubow, KB, Jokela, J, and Robinson, CT. 2011. Bottlenecks drive temporal and spatial changes in alpine caddisfly metapopulations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 278.

Kubow, KB, Shama, LNS, Robinson, CT, and Jokela, J. 2010. Spatial scaling in the phylogeography of an alpine caddisfly, Allogamus uncatus, within the central European Alps. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 1089-1099.

Shama, LNS, Kubow, KB, and Robinson, CT. 2009. Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the alpine caddisfly Allogamus uncatus Brauer (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 285-287.