
Q: Where can I share and talk about my Go Viral projects?

You can add your own projects, chat, and give feedback on other projects at the Go Viral Studio: link

Q: Where can I learn more about Scratch?

A: There are great interactive tutorials and printable activity cards here: .

The Scratch Wiki contains more tutorials and documentation for advanced projects.

Scratch Discussion Forum:

Google CS First also has excellent materials, including resources for running coding clubs:

Q: What prior experience is needed to complete Go Viral?

A: No experience in computer programming is required, although familiarity with a computer is needed. Go Viral is roughly targeted towards middle school students. Younger school students will require more guidance. More advanced students could be encouraged to build more of their own projects after completing the exercises.

We'd love to hear how you've used Go Viral! What should we change? What did you like best? What should we add to Go Viral? Please let us know here: feedback form