Clubs and Activities

Ms. Kimberly Rivera is our Assistant Principal in charge of Clubs & Activities. Below is a list of all clubs and their advisors. Please click on their name if you would like to reach out to them and send an email.

Clubs & Activities

List and Description

VHS Clubs, Organizations and Activities

VHS is proud to present to the student body the following description of organizations and extracurricular activities. The goal of each student activity organization should be leadership training and leadership development. A well-rounded and complete activities program consists of a group of strong student organizations working together. Each student is encouraged to participate in and avail himself/herself of the many opportunities provided by the wealth of organizations which are present at VHS. Remember, the classroom gives you knowledge... student activities build character. Together you have a winner.

Class Advisors/Officers

Senior Class Advisors: Ms. Jamil and Ms. Haydak

President: Jada Morgan

Vice President: Gabriella Perez

Secretary: Marilynn Miguel

Treasurer: Melanie Veliz

Historian: Carly D’Arrigo

Junior Class Advisors: Ms. Figueroa and Ms. Rivera

President: Ferdinand Moscat

Vice President: Ezriela Chaniz-Rico

Secretary: Erica Sanchez-Villanueva

Treasurer: Brianna Lagarez

Historian: Angel Lewis

Sophomore Class Advisors: Ms. Thies and Mr. Lapsley

President: Tyler Muessig

Vice President: Sean Lopez

Secretary: Harpreet Kaur

Treasurer: Madison Smith

Historian: Abigail Tollinchi

Freshmen Class Advisors: Mr. Deshields and Ms. Kim Davila

Freshmen Class officers to be elected during the school year.

Student Government Advisors: Ms. Stacy DeRose and Ms. Jennifer Lapsley

President: Deanna Soto

Vice President: Joyce Reaves

Secretary: Gabriella Rivas

Treasurer: Nyah Marshall

Historian: Orejesu Ayeni

VHS Clubs/Activities

Academic Team (club) - Pre-requisite for membership: The club is open to interested juniors and seniors. Tryout tests are given in June and September. Scores on this test determine team rank. The top 25 are invited to join the team. There are ten competition team members and fifteen substitute members. Some events permit all twenty-five members to participate. Competitions are held mainly after school on Wednesdays. There are eight annual competitions held within the South Jersey area. Advisor: Ms. Yeager

African-American Cultural League (club) - The club’s purpose is to develop self-pride in black heritage and culture and to develop community awareness and civic responsibilities. Students participate in such activities as the Choral Ensemble which features cultural music and Gospel music and student assemblies throughout the year which focus on the African-American heritage. Advisor: TBD

Alpha-Omega (club) – This is a student sponsored and student-led club. The students’ vision is to promote Christian experience and love through prayer and the Word of God. The students’ purpose is to serve as a support group and positive reinforcement for Christian and academic growth. Membership and meeting activities are all student led. There will be two adult monitors who will act in a non-participatory role and who will insure custodial supervision. Monitor: Ms. Linton

Alpha-Theta Phi/Forensics (club)- The mission of this club will be to: Develop critical thinking skills through problem solving; Perform experiments; Visit Research Centers at local companies and universities; Create a Research Proposal to be used in the following years; Provide career building tools that can help the students get accepted into science based programs. The Alpha Theta Phi, will encourage students to investigate, develop, and formulate conclusions, as well as present their findings to the general public. Advisor: Mrs. DeRose

American Sign Language (ASL Club) - Pre-requisite for membership: Students must be currently or previously enrolled in American Sign Language Class at VHS or be Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing. The purpose of this club is to offer the students of Vineland High School opportunities to use and practice American Sign Language (ASL) beyond the classroom, and become acquainted with Deaf Culture through social get-togethers, meetings conducted in English and ASL, field trips, special projects and/or community service. A secondary purpose is to provide activities and community service opportunities for ASL students interested in qualifying for the American Sign Language National Honor Society. Advisor: Ms. Frankenfield

Art (club) - This club is open to any student interested in art. Students meet weekly to participate in a variety of projects beyond the normal scope of the classroom. Activities include mural paintings, acrylic painting, sculpture, ceramics, field trips, and community service projects. Advisor: Ms. Capitani

Campus Beautification Project (club)- Vineland has many job and career opportunities in agriculture. The job opportunities range from growers (family owned farms) to the Vineland Cooperative Produce Auction Association, the largest produce cooperative still in existence in the country, handling 95% of auction sales in southern New Jersey and over three-quarters of all total produce sales in the region. In between are florist, greenhouse operations, brokers, and landscapers to name a few. TBD

Cap ‘n’ Dagger (club/schedule B) - The Cap ‘n’ Dagger Club is comprised of 9-12 graders with a membership of over 100 members. The main thrust or project of the organization is the presentation of the Annual Musical. Students participate in all phases of lighting, sound, publicity, tickets, program ads and the list goes on. Cap ‘n’ Dagger will promote theatrical consciousness among our high school students. They will discover the world of drama, which requires not only artistry, but also craftsmanship in the disciplines of acting, singing, dancing, costuming, make-up, and set design. Students will gain a life-long learning experience in the visual and performing arts; offer a variety of cultural entertainment and enriching programs to their academic life and to our community. Advisor: Mr. Marcello

Changemakers (club)-This new club, student lead, will help bring awareness to the campus and hopefully through all schools in our districts on unifying students with special needs into the general population through academics, social events, and unified sports. Advisor: Ms. Hirleman

Council for Exceptional Children (club) - The main objective of the CEC Club is to make VHS 9-12 students aware of the needs of the disabled in our community. The purpose of the Council for Exceptional Children Club is to promote community activities for the handicapped. Activities include: fundraisers, bake sales/ candy sales, Halloween party for the handicapped, Christmas party for the handicapped, Big Brother/Big Sister Program for disabled children, and Easter egg hunt for the handicapped. Advisors: Ms. Palmieri

Crew Club-Advisor: John McCarty

Dance (club/schedule B) -Dance Club- This club focuses on improving artistic performance and dance literacy by studying multiple styles of dance from around the world. Students will engage in dialogue about the many misconceptions and controversies within dance and will have the opportunity to workshop self-generated choreography. Advisor: Ms. Wilson

Future Business Leaders of America (club) - FBLA is a nationally recognized organization, which brings business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. FBLA gives students the competitive edge through career exploration, self-improvement, and community service opportunities. As a member of FBLA, students build their resume, meet business leaders in their community and beyond, experience rewards of volunteerism, enjoy travel and special activities, and earn scholarships. Students also have the opportunity to compete for awards and recognition on the local, state and national levels in more than 40 different event categories. Membership dues: national dues $6; state dues $4. Membership requirements: students must be enrolled in a business course. Advisor: Ms. Banko

Gay Straight Alliance: GSA (club) – The club is open to all students and promotes respect and acceptance, creating a safe haven for all students. It promotes awareness and helps provide understanding that all students are accepted as human beings. It helps to create awareness in order to deter bullying and intimidation against homosexuals. Respect and acceptance are emphasized. Advisor: Ms. Eileen Bosco

Heath Occupations Student of America: H.O.S.A (club)- This is a club with national membership that is offered for students interested in entering the health field. Advisor: Ms. D’Ottavio

Hi - Spots Newspaper (schedule B) - Purpose: the VHS South Hi-Spots newspaper is published to pay tribute to outstanding VHS students and teachers, and to publicize upcoming events. Articles are written by the students and deadlines must be met for the publication. Student reports cover news stories, sports, features, editorials and original art and poetry encompassing many facets of the interests in the school. Advisor: Ms. V. Rasmussen

Interact (club/schedule B)(remove) - The Interact Club is associated with its sponsoring community club, The Rotary Club of Vineland, New Jersey. The mission of the Interact club is community service with future goals connected to national and international service. Exchange Student programs are available to Grade 11 students who are active and interested. In addition, the Interact club will select one student each year to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference-RYLA. Interact is looking for committed and dedicated students who wish to give back to the community through volunteerism. Freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to come out and see what we’re all about. Advisors: Ms. Jamil and TBD

Italian (club) - Pre-requisite for membership: Students must be enrolled in Italian class. Students must be fairly good students and have no disciplinary records. Objectives: the objectives of the Italian club are to afford the students opportunity to practice Italian beyond the classroom. Purpose: at Italian club meetings the students are exposed to aspects of Italian culture that are difficult or too time consuming to present or carry on in the classroom. Activities: sporting events, Bocce tournament, bicycle races, soccer, volleyball, cultural events, Carnevale, Easter, Christmas traditions, food and games. Advisor: Ms. Civiletto

Key (club) - Objectives: To develop initiative and leadership. To provide experience in living and working together. To serve the school and community. To accept and promote the following ideals: To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than the material values of life. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts. To develop by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship. To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities. To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will. The motto of the Key Club International is “Caring... Our Way of Life.” Purpose: Key Club is a service organization for high school students. And, although the club operates under the school’s regulations, it is different from the school’s other clubs. Key Club is unique in that it is sponsored by a local Kiwanis club, a service club for leading business and professional men in the community. Through this association, you can learn how best to serve your community while gaining knowledge of various professions. Key Club, along with serving the community, also provides many services to the school. The club’s service projects, you will hold a great deal of personal responsibility for the club’s success. This involvement will help heighten your awareness of your community’s needs. Advisor: Ms. Morgado

Kickboxing (club) - Kickboxing is a martial art that uses boxing’s punches along with karate’s kicks. Kickboxing focuses on everything from cardio conditioning, flexibility, self-defense, martial arts, and one on one competition. The kickboxing club will provide a great workout for everyone interested in improving their fitness and stamina, while learning and perfecting the techniques of punching, blocking, and kicking through the principles of the art of kickboxing. Advisor: Ms. Moir

Literary Magazine (schedule B)-The Phenokistoscope is the Vineland High School’s literary magazine which features the poetry, prose, and artwork of our students. Those students with an interest in these areas as well as layout and design are welcome to join the club in order to gather and publish student submissions. Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Publisher would be helpful, but is not required. Frequency of meetings will increase in the spring, as that is when the magazine needs to be finished and sent to the printer. Advisor: Ms. V. Rasmussen and Ms. Thies

Makerspace (club)- Makerspace is a collaborative work space that uses high tech to no tech tools. It is open to students who have an interest in utilizing 3D printers, kinek, robotics, Lego’s and anyone who is interested in creating something out of nothing. Makerspace provides hands on skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. We will have lots of fun creating projects throughout the school year. Advisor: Ms. Fiori

Math (club)-The Math Club’s purpose is to create a positive image of mathematics at Vineland High School and help students to gain an appreciation of the important role math plays in their life endeavors. Activities will include promoting interesting, real life applications of mathematics through hands-on projects, guest speakers, and community service projects. Membership is open to all students—previous math proficiency is not required. Advisor: Ms. M. McAvaddy

Mock Trial (schedule B) - Purpose: to learn and experience the American legal system, develop acting and public speaking abilities, and develop analytical and critical thinking abilities. Activities: the Mock Trial team will be comprised of 10 or more students who take on the roles of attorneys and witnesses in competition against other schools and try a fictional court case written by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. Mock Trial is much like an intellectual “sport.” The Mock Trial “season” starts in November and usually lasts until March. Practices are held three to five days per week. Tryouts for positions are usually held in December. For the competitions, which start in February, we travel to the Cumberland County Courthouse in Bridgeton for the County round; and if we advance, to the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick for later rounds. Advisor: Mr. DeStefanis

Model Congress (schedule B) – Model Congress is a student-run simulation of the U.S. Congress. Students compete with schools across New Jersey to create their own political parties, write their own party platforms, and write, debate, and vote on their own legislation. Activities: Weekly Club meetings and three field trips. Professional attire is required on all Model Congress field trips. Advisor: Mr. Russo

Miss Monogram (club)- Advisors: Ms.Garrett and Ms. Jamil

National Honor Society (schedule B) - Pre-requisites for membership: 86 or better - extracurricular activities good character - involvement in community. Students are encouraged to attend ALL NHS meetings. However, it is mandatory that students attend at least fifty percent of the scheduled meetings for the semester (i.e. if 10 meetings are scheduled, then the student MUST attend at least five meetings) in order to maintain his or her eligibility status in NHS. Objectives: Maintain scholarship - character - leadership in school and community - community involvement. Purpose: To recognize character, scholarship and leadership. Activities: Tutoring, Quest, Food Basket, Visits to Veteran’s Home, Fund-raising (raffle) for Gruccio Scholarship (2) seniors of club, Role Modeling Lectures. Advisor: Mrs. Garrett and Ms. Marchesano

Odyssey of the Mind (schedule B)-is an international problem-solving program. Teams of students choose a problem in the beginning of the school year and work on an original solution that they present at competitions against other high schools in the spring. Problems can include building ride-on vehicles, balsa structures, and technical solutions and always include making props, backdrops, costumes and skits. VHS teams usually do very well and last May sent a team to compete against teams from all over the world at the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at the University of Maryland. It’s a great chance to show your creative side! Coach: Ms. S. Rasmussen

Poetry Slam (club)- Voices Holding Stories (V.H.S.) Advisors: TBD

Polaris Players (club/schedule B)- This club is open to all who would like to build self-esteem, character development, and learn more about dramatic plays. Students will learn a variety of techniques while building up to the final goal of auditioning for the high school’s fall production, the spring talent show, or the Shakespeare Festival show. Advisor: Mr. Marcello

Project Graduation (schedule B) - Pre-requisites for membership: all students are invited to participate. Objectives: to plan an after graduation drug and alcohol free party. Purpose: to enhance graduation night by offering a safe and fun alternative to drinking and drug use among graduates. Activities: many fund raising activities and seeking and promoting community support. Advisors: Mr. DeShields & Ms. Thies

Red Cross (club) - The Red Cross Club fosters community involvement and volunteerism. The members of the club are involved in organizing, recruiting, and running two blood drives at Vineland High School. They are involved in disaster relief, from training to be volunteers to fundraising when crises occur. They will become CPR and First Aid certified if they are members of the club for at least 2 years (may be a fee involved). The club also sponsors a variety of fundraisers throughout the year to benefit the American Red Cross. We work closely with local Red Cross chapters to address the needs of our local community. Advisor: Ms. J. Lewis

Russian (club)- this club creates cultural awareness, as well as, academic competitiveness. Over recent years, VHS Russian club has won many gold, silver, and bronze medals at Olympiada competitions held at Temple University. Several VHS students were selected to have their competitions essays placed in a museum in Moscow. Advisor: Ms. Jackson

Science Club- Advisor: Ms. Marchesano

Search for Conscience (club) - Search for Conscience club is for the students of the course of the same name. We are involved in gathering goods for organizations that may need extra assistance. In the past we have collected toiletries for victims of sex trafficking, collected food and supplies for the SPCA, collected canned goods for families during the holidays and have raised money for families who have met with tragic circumstances. Veteran’s Day we bring handmade cards to the Veteran’s home. Sometimes we meet after school to discuss topics brought up in class in order to complete a dialogue. The members of the group are welcome to come up with projects or themes for the club. Sometimes the club serves as an extension of the class. Advisor: Ms. Kuhnreich

S.H.A.P.E.: Students Helping Plants, Animals, and Environment (club) - This is a nature-oriented club at VHS where students help animals and protect the environment. It is a club which is dedicated to protecting the environment for future generations. Advisors: Ms. Fagan and Ms. M.Villar

Skills USA (club) - Chapter 57 “Champions at Work”. The Skills USA motto is “Preparing for leadership in the world of work.” Skills USA is the organization that directly links students with future employment, builds leadership skills, performs community service and provides local, state, national and international competitions in a wide variety of areas. There are over eighty-nine competitions for our VHS students. All students in grades 9-12 are invited to join. Please visit the state and national web sites for more information: New Jersey SkillsUSA Advisor: Mr. Bramante

Spanish (club) - Pre-requisites for membership: must be enrolled in Spanish (I-VI) Objective: The Spanish Club aims to provide activities related to Hispanic culture. Fund-raisers are used to finance these activities as well as to fund annual scholarship donations to students highly motivated in the study of Spanish. Advisor: Ms. Leon

Student Government Association (schedule B) - Pre-requisites for membership: “C” average; good attendance record. Objectives: To foster leadership and decision-making Purpose: governing body of the entire VHS campus, this organization is involved with both school and community services, concerns and the school environment. The group promotes good citizenship in and out of school. Advisors: Ms. S. DeRose and Ms. J. Lapsey

Student Historical (club)- Advisors: Mr. Luciano and Mr. Kuzma

Student Literature (club) - The Student Literature Club fosters students’ love of reading through shared readings and discussions of student-selected contemporary novels, short stories, and poetry. In addition, since ardent readers are often creative writers, the Club conducts peer reviews of members’ original writing and offers support for contest entries and publication efforts. The club is open to all students who enjoy reading and discussing literature. Advisor: Ms. Linton

Technology Student Association (Perkins grant funded)- gives students interested in technology and engineering an exciting opportunity to compete in a variety of challenges. Challenges include robotics, movie-making, building CO2 cars, rubber-band propelled gliders, architectural design, animatronics, structures, photography and many others. TSA is a national organization with affiliations to many colleges and offers scholarship money for club participation. Advisor: Ms. S. Rasmussen

Ultimate Frisbee (club)- Ultimate Frisbee is an up and coming competitive sport. This is an organized competitive sport that recently has a student following of 35 to 55 students. Students learn the rules and skills of this game while participating in “pick up” games. The ultimate goal of the club is to enter into area competitions eventually. Advisor: Mr. Hague

Unicef- Advocate for children’s rights, help meet their basic needs and expand their opportunities to reach their potential. To help increase the engagement of all Americans who care about the well-being of children. Our vision is a better world for children everywhere. Advisor: Ms. D. Garrett

Volley Ball (club)-Advisor: Ms. Rivera

Wizardry 101 (club) - Wizardry 101 is a chemical demonstration club for students who have enrolled in or have previously taken Honors or AP Chemistry. Members will practice demonstrations once each month from October through March after school. Students achieving “Merlin” status are entitled to perform in the annual Wizardry Play held for elementary school students. Advisor: Ms. Yeager

Yearbook (schedule B) - Purpose: The yearbook staff includes students who help to schedule photography, plan and draw layout, undertake sales and make the book a reality. Pre-requisites: Good grades in English, a command of the written language; creativity, responsibility, diligence. Prior yearbook experience is an asset. Advisors: Ms. Haydak, Ms. Martorano, Ms. Lapsley, Ms. Banko.