
Please visit this page often for updates about the Waterloo Viking Band Program.

Please click on the Sign-Up Genius icon to the left to sign-up to volunteer for the band program.

Thank you for supporting the Waterloo Viking Band Program!

Fruit Fundraiser

Click on the picture to the left or on the link in this post to be routed the online website for the current Music Booster Fruit Fundraiser.

In the past, this has been a very successful fundraiser for the band. Please spread this link to family members and friends through text and social media. The link takes you straight to a website where anyone can purchase fruit for the fundraiser.

There are two options when purchasing online: the order can be shipped straight to the buyers home (if he/she is willing to add the cost of shipping to his/her order) or it can be delivered to the organization. This would mean the order would get delivered on the truck with the other orders in the first week or two of December.

Finally, the student who sells the most fruit in terms of dollar amount will win a $25 gift card of their choice for being the top seller.

Thank you for supporting the Waterloo Band Program!

If you are looking for any assignment for the March 17th - April 6th shut down, please follow the drop down menu above to the appropriate class. The assignment is posted there, was given to the students on March 16th, and is posted on all of the classes Google Classroom.

Re-creating a band classroom setting outside of school in a remote or online setting is a very difficult thing; however, the best thing we can do as of now is to continue playing and practicing our instrument.

If there are any questions about the assignments or about the band program while we are away from school, please do not hesitate to reach out.

- Mr. Cummings


The upcoming Waterloo Band Concert is Tuesday December 10, 2019 and will begin at 6:30pm in the Waterloo High School Gymnasium. Students will be required to arrive to the band room by 5:45pm. Please see your student's Band Handbook for details about each grades specific uniform. (The handbooks are on each of the band pages on this website.)

This is a required performance and your student will receive a grade for their on time and complete attendance at the performance as well as wearing the correct uniform.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know how I might be able to help. All of this information should have made it home on a half-sheet of paper that your student received on 11/22/2019.

Thank you for supporting your student's musical education and I look forward to seeing you on December 10th at 6:30pm.