PolyU PDE Seminar

Together with Xianpeng Hu, Zhi-An Wang, and Tong Yang,  we organize a PolyU-PDE seminar series.  Please find the information about the talks and speakers below.   Please feel free to contact us if you are willing to contribute a talk to this series.

        Title:  Spectral Instability of Electronic Euler-Poisson System

Title:  Linear Asymptotic Stability of (Generalized) Korteweg-de Vries Equation

       Title:  On the Euler+Prandtl expansion for the Navier-Stokes equations

Title:  Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Compressible Navier--Stokes--Fourier Equations  with the Truncated Virial Pressure Law  

      Title: Zero-viscosity limit of the compressible Naiver-Stokes equations in the analytic setting

       Title: The local well-posedness of water wave equations in a corner domain

      Title: Some recent trends for the regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations

      Title: Isotropic norm inflation for the Navier-Stokes equations.

Title: The fast-slow dynamics of quasi-geostrophic approximation 

Title: The shallow water equations with contact angle 

         Title: Sharp Liouville Theorems

               Title: Unique continuation properties of boundary value problems.