Jinitiator Download For Windows 7 64 Bit Download

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How to Download and Install Oracle JInitiator for Windows 7 64 Bit

If you are looking for a way to download and install Oracle JInitiator for Windows 7 64 bit, you may encounter some difficulties. Oracle JInitiator is a Java applet that allows you to run Oracle Forms applications in a web browser. However, it is not compatible with newer versions of Java and may cause errors such as "oracle jinitiator version too low please install version or higher".

In this article, we will show you how to download and install Oracle JInitiator for Windows 7 64 bit using two methods: one that involves downloading the file from an official source and another that involves modifying the system environment variables.

Method 1: Downloading Oracle JInitiator from an Official Source

The first method is to download Oracle JInitiator from an official source, such as the USDA website[^1^]. Here are the steps to follow:

Click on the download link below and save the file named jinit.exe to your filesystem.

When the download finishes, you can install Oracle JInitiator by locating the file using the Windows Explorer and double-clicking on it to start the installation process.

When the installation process has finished, exit your browser and restart it.

Return to the initial application starting page and the browser will then load Oracle JInitiator and start the application.

Download Oracle JInitiator

Note that this method may not work for some browsers or applications that require a higher version of Java or JInitiator. In that case, you may need to use the second method.

Method 2: Modifying the System Environment Variables

The second method is to modify the system environment variables on your Windows 7 machine to change the vendor information for Java from Oracle to something else[^2^]. This will prevent the Java code in Forms 10g from thinking that the Java client is an older version of JInitiator, which is no longer supported. Here are the steps to follow:

Ensure that all browser windows are closed.

Access the Advanced System settings from the Control Panel.

On a Windows 7 client machine, this is done as follows: Navigate to the Control Panel, select the System item, select the Advanced system settings option.

Select the Environment Variables button.

Go through both the User variables box and the System variables box, looking for an existing variable called JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS.

Assuming no existing JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS variable is found, select the New button in the System variables block, at the bottom of the screen.

In the resultant New System Variable dialog, create a new variable with the following information:

Variable name: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS

Variable value: -Djava.vendor="New Oracle"

(Note the leading hyphen "-" in the value)

Select the OK button in the Environment Variables dialog, then the OK button in the System Properties dialog to save this change.

Restart your browser and try to run your Oracle Forms application again.

Note that this method is a workaround solution and may not work for all browsers or applications. It also does not affect Oracle Forms 11g, which has updated its JAR package to support newer versions of Java.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and install Oracle JInitiator for Windows 7 64 bit using two methods: one that involves downloading the file from an official source and another that involves 66dfd1ed39

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