Welcome ToZwamTek Music

ZwamTek is the brainwork of Content Creator & Producer  *Daichi. Daichi has developed an interest in music writing and production at an early age. His first experiences were with the FL Studio spin-off called "Domus Music Machine". Now in 2022 he has over 20 years of experience in music. With the main focus on Lo-fi and minimalistic genre's from the 90s & 80s and alike, ZwamTek has developed many skills in many genre's. ZwamTek Music does not focus on one or two stric genre's. Instead ZwamTek Music is rather a parent branch of many aliases. "ZwamTek Music" is more or less an executive name or "brand name" if you will.

From that point you can split the genre's loosely over these names/aliases:

You can find all these Aliases on the ZwamTek Music Bandcamp.

*Thijs van Oeveren