My name is Zvi Shem-Tov. I am a postdoctoral member at the IAS. Before that I was a postdoctoral member at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem. Before that I was a postdoctoral member at the IAS. Before that I was a PhD student at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem, working under the supervision of Prof. Lior Silberman and Prof. Elon Lindenstrauss. Before that I completed my undergraduate and master's degrees at Tel Aviv University, my master's thesis advisor was Prof. Yehuda Shalom.
Alexandre de Faveri and Z. Shem-Tov,
Non-escape of mass for arithmetic quantum limits on hyperbolic 4-manifolds
Submitted (2024)
Z. Shem-Tov and L. Silberman,
Homogeneity of arithmetic quantum limits for hyperbolic 4-manifolds
Submitted (2024).
Z. Shem-Tov and L. Silberman,
Arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity for products of hyperbolic 2- and 3-spaces
To appear in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique (2024).
L. Polterovich, Y. Shalom, and Z. Shem-Tov,
Norm rigidity for arithmetic and profinite groups
JLMS (2023).
Z. Shem-Tov,
Positive entropy using Hecke operators at a single place
IMRN (2020).
O. E. Raz and Z. Shem-Tov,
A generalisation of Elekes--Ronyai theorem to d variables
Combinatorica (2019).
N. Nikolov, Z. Shem-Tov, and M. Shusterman,
Gradients of sequences of subgroups in a direct product
IMRN (2017).