Zumba Fountain Valley - FAQ's

Zumba Orange County with Teo Reyes Questions: 

What are your business hours?

Monday - Friday

Mornings Open: 8:45 am - 10:30 am, Close.

Evenings Open: 6:45 pm - 8:15 pm, Close. 


Hours: 8:45 am - 10:00 am. 

What is your Zumba Class Schedule?

Mornings Open: 9:15 am.

Evenings Open: 7:15 pm


Hours: 9:15 am

What is Zumba Fountain Valley Contact number? 

Text or Call: 714-824-2385 - 24/7 - English & Spanish

What is your address?

11753 Edinger Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708  

Zumba -  Questions:

What exactly is Zumba?

Classes blend Latin and American beats with easy-to-follow choreography for one massive dance party workout. You don't need experience, just the ability to let loose!

How can shaking my hips be a workout?

The non-stop movement spikes your heart rate for insane calorie burn. Transitioning between salsa, merengue and other styles engages all your muscles for a total body workout.

What should I wear and bring?

Comfy workout clothes you can move freely in are key. Athletic sneakers provide essential support. Hydrate before and during class with a water bottle. A small towel to wipe sweat helps too!

Do I need to be an experienced dancer? 

Not at all! Our zumba Instructors break down steps and keep the mood light. Just move your body, follow along and have fun. Focus on your own experience - not what others are doing!

How many calories can I expect to burn? 

That varies per person. But just one Zumba class can torch 500-1000 calories! All that dancing adds up to insane calorie burn.

