Trying to come up with a plan to allow staff to be able to do speed tests directly off of endpoints but I'd need to find the website I want to do it for, and then ensure I have all of the relevant URL patterns added into the exclusion so it forwards direct.

I wanted to do just because generally it's a pretty good and consistent platform to test with regardless of geography in the US, but the fact that on the back-end it uses subdomains domain and I don't think I could do that without allowing assets access to Netflix, so I'll probably need to find another resource.

Zscaler Download Test

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Use the Zscaler Analyzer app to analyze the path between your location and the Zscaler Enforcement Node (ZEN), or to analyze the time it takes for your browser to load a web page, so the Zscaler Support team can detect potential issues. The app performs an MTR (Z-Traceroute) and a full web page load test (Z-WebLoad). The results provide the Zscaler Support team with all the information they need to debug network issues quickly. You can run the app multiple times at different intervals, for a more comprehensive view of your network path and performances. For example, you can run configure the app to run every hour for five hours.

You can run the app from a device that has the following:  Java (JRE) 1.8 update 40 or higher Microsoft Windows 7 or higher Mac OS X is Not Supported  Installation Do the following to install the Zscaler Analyzer app:

  Download the latest version of the app at  Click either Windows or Linux to download the app. Do one of the following:

  From a Windows machine:  Run ZscalerAnalyzer-windows-installer.exe. Complete the steps in the wizard.


 Ensure that you install the app in a directory similar to Libraries/Documents to facilitate installation. If you install it in the Program Files directory, you may need additional permissions.


     Zscaler Analyzer TraceRoute Use the Zscaler Analyzer app to analyze the path between your location and the Zscaler Enforcement Node (ZEN), so the Zscaler Support team can detect potential network issues. The app performs an MTR (My Traceroute) and the results provide the Zscaler Support team with all the information they need to debug network issues quickly. You can run the app multiple times at different intervals, for a more comprehensive view of your network path. For example, you can run configure the app to run every hour for five hours

Use the Zscaler Analyzer app to analyze the time it takes for your browser to load a web page, so the Zscaler Support team can detect potential issues. The app performs a web page load test and the results provide the Zscaler Support team with all the information they need to debug issues quickly. Depending on your environment, the tool can compare the load time through a ZEN and load time going direct to Internet. You can run the app multiple times at different intervals, for a more comprehensive view of your network. For example, you can configure the app to run every hour for five hours.

If you choose to run the app with a Custom PAC File or Custom Gateway, you will be prompted to authenticate before you can start the test. The results table will provide results in the following categories:

If you configured the Zscaler Analyzer app to test multiple URLs, you can view the results for each URL in the group by choosing Website from the Show Results For list.

We believe that it's a conflict of interest when Internet service providers operate their own speed tests. A third party opinion is necessary and the provider shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the process. When providers host their own speed tests they eliminate the variables that you're here to test. Namely the Internet route itself. This test is unbiased, it tests and grades all providers on the same criteria. They want you to think your connection is running perfectly... but is it really?

Do you want to research connection speed for Zscaler?'s Download Speed Test and Upload Speed Test log connection information to allow users to research real world Internet speed test results.'s speed test database stores information on millions of Internet connections. This tool can average connection speed for any Internet provider, country or city in the world.So you can easily average speed test results, compare maximum speeds and research logged results for Zscaler.

Other speed tests, especially tests offered by your Internet provider try to eliminate routing factors. This can make your connection appear faster than it really is. Truthfully, do you want to know how fast your connection is within your providers network or do you want to know how fast it is to the locations where the websites you visit are being hosted? is not a best case scenario connection test and will test your Internet under real world conditions. [read more] [hide text]

Configure and test Microsoft Entra SSO with Zscaler using a test user called B.Simon. For SSO to work, you need to establish a link relationship between a Microsoft Entra user and the related user in Zscaler.

That was the problem. We only granted our API key permission to read Zscaler location configuration, not anything else. So the built-in test was denied, but still it could satisfy our use case to check the location configuration. Thanks for your help!

The AV-Comparatives: Palo Alto Networks SASE Comparative Report* put Cisco Umbrella, Zscaler Internet Access and Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access products through rigorous security tests over a six-month period. This included the evaluation of URL filtering, DNS security, malware protection, vulnerability protection and credential-theft prevention.

Angesichts der zunehmenden Verbreitung hybrider Arbeitsmodelle mssen Unternehmen kompromisslose Sicherheit bieten. Dabei darf es keine Rolle spielen, wo sich Benutzer und Anwendungen befinden. Doch nicht alle SASE-Lsungen sind gleich. Daher wurde das unabhngige Testlabor AV-Comparatives in einer branchenweit erstmaligen Initiative damit beauftragt, die drei fhrenden SASE-Lsungen auf ihre Leistungsfhigkeit zu testen.

Il report Palo Alto Networks SASE Comparative di AV-Comparatives* ha sottoposto a test di sicurezza rigorosi Cisco Umbrella, Zscaler Internet Access e Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access per sei mesi. Tra i fattori valutati ci sono il filtraggio degli URL, la sicurezza DNS, la protezione dal malware, dalle vulnerabilit e dal furto delle credenziali.

O relatrio comparativo AV-Comparatives da SASE da Palo Alto Networks* colocou os produtos Umbrella da Cisco, Internet Access da Zscaler e Prisma Access da Palo Alto Networks em rigorosos testes de segurana durante um perodo de seis meses. Isso incluiu a avaliao da filtragem de URL, segurana de DNS, proteo contra malware, proteo contra vulnerabilidades e preveno contra roubo de credenciais.

When we measured against Zscaler, we had our end user client try to access five different websites: a website hosted in Azure, a Cloudflare-protected Worker, Google, Slack, and Zoom: websites that users would connect to on a regular basis. In each of those instances, Cloudflare outperformed Zscaler, and in the case of the Cloudflare-protected Worker, Gateway even outperformed the control for 95th percentile Response time. Here is a box plot showing the 95th percentile responses broken down by the different endpoints we queried as a part of our tests:

Getting this view of data was not easy. Existing testing frameworks like Catchpoint are unsuitable for this task because performance testing requires that you run the ZIA client or the WARP client on the testing endpoint. We also needed to make sure that the Cloudflare test and the Zscaler test are running on similar machines in the same place to measure performance as good as possible. This allows us to measure the end-to-end responses coming from the same location where both test environments are running:

For these tests, Cloudflare contracted Miercom, a third party who performed a set of tests that was intended to replicate an end-user connecting to a resource protected by Cloudflare or Zscaler. Miercom set up application instances in 14 locations around the world, and devised a test that would log into the application through various Zero Trust providers to access certain content. The test methodology is described as follows, but you can look at the full report from Miercom detailing their test methodology here:

To measure this, we went back to Miercom to help get us the data we needed by having Catchpoint nodes connect to Cloudflare Browser Isolation and Zscaler Cloud Browser Isolation across the world from the same 14 locations and had devices simulating clients try to reach applications through the browser isolation products in each locale. For more on the test methodology, you can refer to that same Miercom report, linked here.

The work around is to use the hostname of one of the node databases, but this forces me into a copy settings disaster. I have copied production settings but failed a couple times to copy test and dev settings.

I cannot test this in TOAD beta, since out dev virtual desktops have not had ZScaler imposed on them, yet. ZScaler is only in pilot on my laptop, in production. But, if necessary, likely it can be arranged.

I'm not sure what to tell you about ZScaler - we don't test that to be honest, I don't really know anything about it or what it is. I see that you are connecting without an Oracle client. This may just be one of those limitations about no-client mode, and to get around it, you may just have to use an Oracle client.

Testing an app created by the Mobile team, having error requesting for update whenever Zscaler(VPN) is ON, however if Turn off the VPN, It's working fine. can advise is there any settings' to bypass while Zscaler is ON, thank youError Msg when open the app with zscaler ON.(Your App is not up to date)This feature is not available on older app version 17dc91bb1f

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