
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 59, No. 31, 40 pp. (2020)

2. Z. An, Ellipticity of Bartnik boundary data for the stationary vacuum spacetimes.

Communications in Mathematical Physics 373, 859–906 (2020)

3. Z. An, On mass-minimizing extensions of Bartnik boundary data.

to appear in Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 30 pp. (2021) arXiv:2007.05452

4. Z. An and Michael T. Anderson, The initial boundary value problem and quasi-local Hamiltonians in General Relativity.

Classical and Quantum Gravity 38,154001, (2021)

5. Z. An and Lan-Hsuan Huang, Existence of static vacuum extensions with prescribed Bartnik boundary data. 

Cambridge Journal of Mathematics 10, 1, 1-68 (2022) 

6. Z. An and Lan-Hsuan Huang, New asymptotically flat static vacuum metrics with near Euclidean boundary data.

Journal of Mathematical Physics, 63, 052502, (2022) 

7. Z. An and Lan-Hsuan Huang, Static vacuum extensions with prescribed Bartnik boundary data near a general static vacuum metric.

 to appear in Annals of PDE, 50 pp. (2022) arXiv:2206.00079 


1. Z. An and Michael T. Anderson, On the initial boundary value problem for the vacuum Einstein equations and geometric uniqueness. 

submitted, 46 pp. (2020) arXiv:2005.01623 

Invited Talks

Jan. 2024 Annual International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Shanghai, China

Nov. 2023 Theoretical Physics Group Seminar, Kings College London, UK

Mar. 2023 Analysis and PDE Seminar, Michigan State University, MI

Jan. 2023 Geometric Analysis, Differential Geometry and Relativity Seminar (Online) University of Tübingen, Germany 

Aug. 2022 Young Mathematicians in Noncommutative Geometry and Analysis Workshop Texas A\&M University, College Station, TA

Jun.2022 Recent Advances on Scalar Curvature Problems Workshop Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, NY

Jun.2022 Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting, special session of Geometric analysis and general relativity St. John's, NewFoundland, Canada

May.2022 General Relativity Workshop CMSA, Harvard University, MA

Apr.2022 Joint Mathematics Meetings, the special session Scalar Curvature and Convergence Seattle, WA

Dec.2021 Mathematics Department Colloquia University of Miami, FL

Oct. 2021 General Relativity and Geometric Analysis Seminar (Online) Columbia University, NY

Oct. 2021 General Relativity Seminar (Online) CMSA, Harvard University, MA

Oct. 2021 AMS Western Sectional Meeting, the special session Geometry and Geometric Analysis (Online) University of New Mexico, NM

Sep. 2021 Geometric Analysis Seminar (Online) University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Jul. 2021 Mathematical Congress of the Americas, the special session Geometric and Analytic Aspects of General Relativity (Online) Buenos Aires, Argentina

Oct. 2020 Math Physics Learning Seminar (Online) University of Connecticut, CT

Sep. 2020 Workshop of Women in Mathematical Physics (Online) Banff international Research Station, Canada

Jan. 2020 Geometry Analysis and Physics Seminar University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai, China

Nov. 2019 Geometric Analysis Seminar (Mini-course) University of Connecticut, CT

Oct. 2019 PDE and Differential Geometric Seminar University of Connecticut, CT

Apr. 2019 Workshop: Convergence and Low Regularity in General Relativity Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, NY

Dec. 2018 Geometric Analysis Seminar University of Miami, FL

Nov. 2018 Geometry and Topology Seminar University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI