ZRK Games Studio

Welcome to ZRK Games Studio

 Your Privacy is valuable for us.

When you utilize/use Our Services, you put stock in us with your data. This Privacy Policy is intended to help you comprehend what information we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. This is understandable; we trust you will set aside opportunity to peruse it carefully. This is the Policy of zrkgamesstudio@gmail.com . 


This Privacy Policy shows the manners in which ZRK Games Studio collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the Services offered by ZRK Games Studio. ZRK Games Studio is committed to provide fun and exciting entertainment on all its services and products, such as all mobile applications available on Smartphone devices, tablets, browser and desktop (together, the “Services“). ZRK Games Studio respects the privacy concerns of all users of its Services. ZRK Games Studio does take measures to help protect the privacy of those who are:

By using all the products and Services you are agree to observe and be bound by this Privacy Policy and you aproval to the processing, collection, use and disclosure of your information and data in confermation with its terms. Please don’t use our Services if you do not agree to this Privacy Policy.


When you using our Services you may choose to and in some details you will be required to create an account with us. If you do create an account with us, you are agree that you shall take all the steps necessary to protect your login details and keep them safe. You agree that you would not give your login details to anyone else or dont allow anyone else to use your login details or account.

In these terms and conditions, references to “login details” or “account” include your login details and account for any social media network or platform that you may allow our Services to interact with. We will be ensure to assume that anyone logging into your account using your log in details is either you or someone other logging in with your permission. If you are fail to keep your login data secret or if you share your login details or account with someone other (whether intentionally or unintentionally) you accept full responsibility for the results of this (including any unauthorized purchases) and agree to fully pay us for any losses or harm that may result.

Collection of Data Log Files:

To make our apps and games appealing to users, we must collect data logs about the usage of the app from you. But don’t worry, your personal data is deleted within the app before we receive it and we secure the data to an ID that cannot be traced back to you.

The Applications might automatically send complicated data log files to us that contain detailed information on your usage of the Application (e.g. data log files containing chat history, where (i) such history cannot be associate to any individual person; and

(ii) any personal details that you provide us freely

(e.g. personal names,  numbers, addresses, places, etc.) are obfuscated/deleted within an app before they are sent to us). The data logs file from you shall be assigned an account ID that cannot be traced back to your device and your device identification shall be directly deleted from our system. Such data log files are used completly for the purpose of analysis, development and updating of individual functions within the Application with the aim of making the Application more angaging to users. The data log files will not be disclosed to third parties. hidden but informed consent shall be allow given to us by downloading and using the Application.

Information Collection:

ZRK Games Studio collects information as described below. ZRK Games Studio Hub essential goals in collecting and using information is to create your app account, provide Services to you, contact you, improve our Service, conduct research and create reports for internal use.

Information Types:

In this Privacy Policy, data is collected on two terms. Which are “Personal Data” and “Non Personal” Data. ZRK Games Studio may use personal and non-personal data. Both are independently and combined together for ambition of analyzing usage of the Services, providing customers,  managing, technical support, providing Services (including managing advertisement serving), customizing ZRK Games Studio communications, to further develop the Services, other ZRK Games Studio services and products. ZRK Games Studio may combine non-personal data with personal data.

a. Personal Data

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal data” means personally identification able data specially you as an individual.

im some situations when you make personal data available to ZRK Games Studio include, but are not limited to:

(i) registration for Services, like leader boards;

(ii) subscribing to newsletters;

(iii) requesting technical support

(iv) otherwise through use of Gaming Horizon Inc Services where personal data is required for use or participation.

b. Non-personal Data

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “non-personal data” means information that does not required and directly identify you. Also, non-personal data means “mixed” and “de-personalized” information, which is the data ZRK Games Studio collects about the use of ZRK Games Studio Services, from which any personally identification able data has been removed.

ZRK Games Studio may use different tools or third party analytics software to automatically get and use distinict non-personal data that does not directly enable ZRK Games Studio to identify you.

From time to time, we may ask you to complete a routine survey in order to help us provide a better user Feedback. We will only request collect non-personal data.

How we use the information:

We do not contain any personal data for deep than necessary. We may use information to assure that users are in agreed with our terms. By using our products and Services and allow to our Privacy Policy, users confrm to allow us to use their information for our general commercial purposes including sending emails and other notifications to them relating to the Services.

How we admit or publish Your Information:

We may admit or publish accumulated information (information about you and other players collectively that is not intended to specifically identify you), other then non-personal information about our players for industry analysis, marketing, analytics, and advertising and other business purposes.

How we Share your information:

In some addition, we will share your information data (which may include personal or non personal information) with third parties (in other words, parties other than ZRK Games Studio) or allow third parties to collect these information from our Services in the following circumstances:

You’re Consent

With your comply, we may share your information with third parties or allow them to collect your information data from our Services in some ways not specifically described in this Privacy Policy.

Third Party Advertising Including Advertising and Analytics

We have advertise on our Services so we can continue to offer many of our assistance for free. When some advertisers or ad networks place ads in our Services, they may collect or we may share some of the information from within our Services:


To changing and updating our services for you, we and our some partners may be collect, use, and share some location data, including the real-time geographical location of your computer or device. This location data is collected is used only to provide and improve our service.

Third party websites:

Users may find different advertisements or other content on behalf of our Services that link to the websites and services of our other partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. We do not control some content or links that appear on these sites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Services. In addition, in these websites or services, including their content and links, may be time to time  changing. These sites and services should have their own privacy policies and customer service policies. Browsing any other website, including websites which have a link to our Services, is subject to that website’s own terms and policies..

Changes to this Privacy Policy;

Contacting Us:

This Privacy Policy is part of ZRK Games Studio Terms and Conditions to which you agree by using the Services. You agree that ZRK Games Studio may change this Privacy Policy mean that terms and conditions at any time.


Ads appearing on our all services (Games/Apps or Website) may be delivered to Users by advertising partners (Third party), who may set some cookies. All these types of cookies allow all the ad server to observe your mobile Device each time they send you an online advertisement to manage non personal identification able information about yourself or all others who use your Mobile Device. This types of information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted some advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. Our privacy policy does not enclose the use of cookies by any of advertisers.

Our Policy about Children:

We take special care respecting users children’s. If a user want to register, they can input a date of birth, username and email to set up an account. This user’s account is limited to participating in those attitude of the Services that are deemed to be appropriate for users; features of our product and Services that may involve the chance of posting personal information, such as comments, are automatically disabled.

Directly upon registration, the user’s email address is turned into an encoded format, a “one way hash”, which we can’t read and which is used to validate the user login process.

We do not longterm store the email addresses of users in a recoverable format because we do not recover the email addresses of users in a usable form after initial registration. We have no means of being contact with such users by email after registration. The username of registered users is not to contact such users.


Our privacy policy confromed changed from time to time updates. When we do, we will compare the “last updated” date at the bottom of the privacy statement. We will access your opt-in consent for any updates to this Privacy Policy that physically expand the sharing or use of your personal information in ways not disclosed in this Privacy Policy at the time of collection.

Acceptance of the terms:

By using ZRK Games Studio Games and Apps, you agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not agreee with our terms in this policy. Please dont use our games and Apps. The continued use of our products after any changing of this privacy policy will be allow your acceptance of the changes and/or new terms.

Contact us Gmail:            zrkgamesstudio@gmail.com