Zeta Phi Talent Hunt
March 16th, 2025 6:00 p.m.
George Washington High School
2215 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN
A Showcase of Talented Students Presented by the Zeta Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Cash Prizes
1st Place - $400
2nd Place - $200
3rd Place - $100
The goal of this event is to bring talented high school students with various gifts, to be highlighted at the Local, District, and International levels.
General Guidelines
Winner MUST be able to attend the District Competition in St. Louis, MO, with a Parent/Guardian for the District Competition on May 2nd-3rd, 2025. (Stipend provided for travel and hotel)
You Must fill out the Application and Parental Consent Form (Links Above!)
You DO NOT need to fill out the Essay Section of the application.
Email completed applications to: ZPTalenthunt@gmail.com
You must provide your own live accompaniment or track in mp3 or CD format for your performance.
A. Participation in the Talent Hunt is open for the following areas of performing and visual art:
1. Music: Vocal and instrumental; classical, contemporary (i.e., broadway, gospel, jazz, movie score, Top 40, Hip Hop). . A printed copy of the music (score) is required for the judges to analyze. .
2. Dance: hip hop, ballet, modern dance, jazz, and tap.
3. Dramatic Interpretation: rap, poetry, oration, monologue, etc. (Printed script must be provided for each judge).
4. Visual Art: sculpture, photography, drawing and painting. (3 to 5 pieces for judging)
B. Basic Rules for Participation in the Local, State, District, and International Talent Hunt Programs:
1. Contestant must be a high school student who has not advanced beyond a senior at the time of the local Talent Hunt competition.
2. Contestants who are homeschooled must present verification from their school district that they are enrolled as a high school student.
3. All presentations including instrumental numbers must be memorized, dignified, and in good taste. Presentations which are not memorized cannot be considered for prizes.
4. Track music may be used for accompaniment if there is no lead instrumental or background vocals included on the track.
5. The Talent Hunt is a competition on the local, state, and district levels.
6. At the international level, the Talent Hunt is a demonstration only! There is no adjudication at this level. All guidelines at the district level will apply for the international demonstration.
7. The presentation performed or presented at the local level shall be the same as performed at the state, district, and international levels.
8. Male participants must wear a dark suit or appropriate attire (i.e., No T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, etc.). Each female must wear appropriate attire (i.e., a dressy dress, or a simple short or long evening dress). If performing a Broadway or Show tune, appropriate attire will be permitted. Dance and drama participants may wear appropriate attire for their presentation. At the district level the contest should be formal. At the International level, the attire will be formal.
9. Participants must memorize the selection. If the contestant uses printed scores/script, he/she cannot win 1st place and will receive 0 for the memorization category on the adjudicator forms.
10.Participants must have three (3) copies of scores or scripts for judges. If participant does not comply with the requirement for copies, at the discretion of the chairman, he/she may be permitted to perform, but cannot become a winner.
11.The same guidelines, as set by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., must be used to judge all participants.
The Venue
George Washington High School
2215 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis
George Washington High School