

N. Kapouleas and J. Zou, Minimal hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{S}^4(1)$ by doubling the equatorial $\mathbb{S}^3$, 2024, available at arXiv:2405.18283.

A. Black, E. Toprak, B. Vergara Biggio and J. Zou, Pointwise decay for radial solutions of the Schrödinger equation with a repulsive Coulomb potential, 2023, submitted, available at arXiv:2309.01313.

P.  McGrath and J. Zou, On the Areas of Genus Zero Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces Embedded in the Unit 3-ball, 2023, accepted by Journal of Geometric Analysis, available at arXiv:2301.01892.

N. Kapouleas and J. Zou, Free boundary minimal surfaces in the Euclidean three-ball close to the boundary, 2021, accepted by American Journal of Mathematics, available at arXiv:2111.11308.


Rutgers University, Geometric Analysis Seminar,  April 2023

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Geometric Analysis Seminar,  March 2023

University of Connecticut, PDE and Differential Geometry Seminar, February 2023

North Carolina State University, Geometry and Topology Seminar, September 2022

Brown University, PDE Seminar, September 2022



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