When I try to generate an attendance report, the only participant showing is my own name. My account type is "Education" and my role is "Member". The dates are correct and are within the historical span, but no participants are showing in any meetings, just the figure 1 and my name (e-mail).

Zoom usage reports for All Users are only accessible by he Account owner or admins. For a member of the account, your admin needs to assign you with a custom role with access to view User Activities Reports 

Zoom Download Attendance Report

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However, I still can't find if my role as Member is the problem here, or if there is something wrong with the reports function. What I find interesting is that I can see and access the report tab, which makes me believe I also should have permission to view and generate reports. To be clear, I can create CSV-files, but the problem is still there - the participant list only contains the host's name (mine).

Good question! In order to get attendance for a meeting in a specific range of dates, first you can use the Get Meeting Reports API with the from and to parameters to get a list of meetings in your date range.

Our aim is to create an integration where Zoom attendance meeting are automatically sent into the LMS attendance tool.

This feature would allow to open conditional relases of contents/activity based on LMS attendance.

This usage report shows how many participants attended. You can click that number to see the usernames used to join your meeting. Their email address will only show if they are signed in to their Zoom account when they join your meeting. Follow the directions below on how to pull usage report.

If all of your users are internal to UAB, you can require authentication which requires them to log in to a Zoom account in order to join the meeting. This allows reports to include not just their display name but also their account email.

If you require registration for your Zoom meeting then you can pull a registration report when the meeting is over to see which users, of those who registered, attended your meeting. This report provides display name and email as it collects users emails when they register for your meeting and does not require them to have a Zoom account.

Attendance reports are available through the Zoom page in Canvas or the Zoom website. If the meeting recurrence is set for "no fixed time" (as they are for Connect classes) you will have to pull the reports from the Zoom website.

You can take attendance in a Zoom meeting by accessing the meeting report after the meeting has ended. Attendance reports are available approximately an hour after the meeting has ended. Follow the steps below to access a meeting report to take attendance.

This option is available if you are using the Canvas integration of Zoom. If you have opted to bypass the Canvas integration, please see our directions for accessing attendance reports outside of Canvas.

There are a lot of different reports that Zoom offers. We are going to focus on the Zoom Attendance Report for this post. It should be noted that you must have a Pro Plan, but you will also have access to the following reports:

There is where you will see the option to search dates. Here, you can enter the time frame there to get your report started. Please note that the maximum duration for a report is one month and you have up to one year to access the information.

Now if you look to the upper right side of your screen, you will see the Export button. This will export your report into an Excel file that you can save and see the information in columns including how they logged in and the duration of time they stayed in the meeting.

There are also a lot more report options in Zoom for you to explore (such as Meeting: View registration reports, poll reports and end-of-meeting evaluation surveys for meetings). Explore and find out what other tools are available for you to use!

So, when you teach a class on zoom, you can download a CSV file for each class meeting. This is cool, because you don't have to spend class time to take attendence, but it's far from perfect, because:

Because each instructor handles attendance grading differently, there is no single way to use this data to generate a grade. One useful formula is the "COUNTIF" function in Excel, which you can use to count cells that meet certain criteria.

For example: If my class periods were 50 minutes, I might count 45 minutes of duration as full attendance. In the screenshot above, I have entered the formula =COUNTIF(B5:D5, ">45") into the F5 cell. What this will do is count all of the cells from B5 to D5 that have a number greater than 45. After creating the formula in one cell, you can paste it into the rest of the cells and it will update for each row accordingly.

It would be a huge time saver if HubSpot could further intergrate with Zoom Webinars to track which attendees actually attend the webinar vs. who just registered. This could be done with a simple "Yes" "No" as a filter or field that could be added to reports. It would greatly help sales and marketing teams to further understand who was their live. Right now I am having to pull this infomration from Zoom and manually add it with the HubSpot reports. 

I second this! I am having a hard time trying to segment my contacts by selecting only those who registered but not attended a webinar. It would be extremely useful to be able to do it without workarounds. I even used the "View time" method but is not working for me (I get 0 contacts).

This is what I did in the end:

- I made a list with only the contacts that attended the webinar

- Then I made another list with these filters:

 - At least one Zoom: Webinar Registration Event has - "Webinar Id is equal to any of "WEBINAR ID NUMBER"

 - Contact is not member of the list "Contacts who attended the webinar" (the first list I made)

This way I have the same numbers I got from the zoom report, and everything seems to match just fine!

Once you've connected your Zoom account, you can sync webinar registration and attendance details from Zoom to HubSpot and use the information to segment your contacts. You can segment on the following contact properties, which will automatically update as contacts register and attend your Zoom webinars:

The solution for HubSpot is very simple: In the zoom Export, there is a column that says: Attended Yes/No. So if they could be so kind to put this into their native registration, that would be very helpful. Since Zoom is one of the biggest meeting platforms in the world, and with Marketing Automation the 2 MAIN points that you need to know are: Did someone Attend and Did someone NOT Attend. That's it. Being able to tell if a person has an average of 64,3% on all webinars attended is maybe point 23423 on the scale of importance. 

Please fix this as soon as possible.

If needed, update the date range for Zoom meetings to review and select Search. Then select the number for the meeting to review attendance in the Participants column.

Note: If a participant uses a computer or the Zoom app for video, but calls in via phone for the audio, they will be listed twice in the participant list, once with name for logging into the video, and second with the phone number for calling in for audio. Also, if a participant calls in via phone only, the phone number will be the item listed in the participants report.

As Zoom can support up to 300 users in a single session, the hosts may want to know who have joined the session and how long they stayed in the session and what time they leave the session. To this end, Zoom offers usage reports 30 minutes after a session is concluded.

Note: Zoom Reports can be retrieved for the last 12 months, with a search range of up to one month at a time. If a meeting is not started in 30 days and is batch deleted by Zoom, the reports for the meeting are also deleted. For details, please visit "Getting started with reports".

Reports are automatically deleted from your Zoom account 30 days after the scheduled meeting date, so ensure you download the reports within this time if you require a record. Reports cannot be downloaded for meetings that have been deleted from your meetings list.

Zoom reports provide information on Attendance, Registration (if required), and Poll responses (if used). If a meeting allows only authenticated users (i.e., requires NetID and NetID password sign in), the report will show the SBU email address of attendees.

This support solution will provide guidance on how to access a Zoom meeting attendance report as well as how to export that report for record-keeping. Please note that these reports are only temporarily available on Zoom so if you need to retain the report you will want to export it and store the file elsewhere to ensure you do not lose that data.

Step 5: By default, the reports it displays should be the most recent meetings, you can change the date range to view previous meetings you hosted if needed, to access the report simply click on the number of participants listed and a new window will appear

Step 6: The next window that appears will list all those who participated in your meeting, it will show when they joined, when they left, and how long they were in the meeting for, to export this meeting attendance data simply click the blue "Export" button and an Excel file will download

You have now successfully accessed and exported the attendance report for one of your Zoom meetings. If you have further questions or run into issues with this process you can reach out to the law school help desk at lawhelp@wfu.edu or call 336-758-4300. 2351a5e196

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