So yeah maybe I'm not on the best subreddit for this question but since a few days I wanted to play zoo tycoon again. I mostly played the ZT on PC with the dino and aquatic animals extension packs. I loved this game so much, I can't even count the time I passed on this game when I was at my dad's and when today I saw that there's a new one (granted it's a 2018 version but hey it runs on W10 xD) but I also saw the review under the steam page.

The game will slow and struggle a bit when you start to push this. I've only ever crashed the game leaving to main menu, but you'll see sluggishnes or an intermittently disappearing cursor when you build a big, big zoo with lots of animals. This sounds like a con list, but losing the animal limit is the best part of the game and really opens up challenge mode to bigger and better exhibits and layouts. (I have a day one Xbox One and use an external HD, for reference.)

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There are new campaign scenarios for both continents, and we also add Outback and Andean Highlands to our rotation of exhibits. Kangaroos and Llamas/alpacas seem to be the major new big animals, but there are some smaller animals as well as regional variants of existing animals. These new animals and exhibits are available on all maps (with the big exception we will get to later.)

While challenges are goals to complete for a reward, events are things like employee strikes, droughts, animal sickness etc. Generally these make one aspect of upkeep more difficult, or you can pay a low, medium or high price to mitigate the effects or end the event completely at the "high" price point. These events are all or mostly negative, but I find they help keep you from steamrolling and getting complacent mid to late game.

The admin menu (admission prices, advertising etc) is now accessible by the back button and not just clicking the building, and it also includes the collection for that zoo and the adoptable animal list in that menu (but some information on animals is bafflalingly absent, so you can see what animal you need for a collection but not what habitat it needs without exiting to check a different list).

One of the major changes to the game and the thing I posted about yesterday is a big shift in challenge mode. It used to be that any region had the same amount of animals available to them, and you started with eight options for full size animals (bears, chimps, elephants, gazelles, giraffes, lions, and two others I forget) and generally one mini-exhibit but with all three mini animals unlocked. This gave you a LOT of flexibility in the early game, especially because many of the base 8 included variants that shared habitats, allowing you to, as one example, start with a small tropical with elephants, upgrade to medium and then mix chimps and elephants in the mid while moving tigers or another tropic variant into your small. This made streamlining your ramp up a lot easier and I enjoyed the ability to create mixed animal groups early on (animals have to be compatible, so no mixing tigers and elephants.)

In the new game this changes in a big way. Now each region has a limited number of animals available, no matter how high your reputation level gets. At the start you have access to two full size species rather than eight, and they generally are not habitat aligned. You also only get one exhibit and one mini exhibit at rank one, but the mini animals are now also gated by fame level. Successive exhibits are also gated by fame level.

Basically any one of your saved regional zoos can send animals to the "reserve", and from the reserve you can adopt animals into regions you normally wouldn't be able to get them in through standard adoption.

Each region now also includes a special collection you are supposed to aim for, generally about 20 or so common species, six rare species, and then one super star, which has to be adopted from a specific one of the other challenge zoos.

I should also note they changed the save structure, which is what led to a lot of confusion and frustion for me yesterday. Challenge zoos no longer appear as save files and will not show up when you click "load game." Instead you have to click new game, challenge mode, then navigate to the zoo on the globe. Once selected you can see the special collection species that zoo is supposed to aim for and how many of them you've adopted. You can also hit A to load up the save state for that particular zoo or hit X to clear it and start fresh in that zone.

This all basically means that your early game in challenge mode is severely streamlined and narrowed, which I don't enjoy. However, it does open up the opportunity for a more global scale style campaign and effort. Rather than making one perfect zoo, it encourages and in some ways requires you to build multiple zoos in order to make the trades needed to get certain animals certain places.

It's also important to note there is a zoo in Europe, UK I think, that has 170-something species avaialble and only a few animals locked out. But, again, you are still limited early on by the fame level requirements.

The obnoxious helicopter glitch is back. Sometimes the helicopter icon will appear but the animal will never transport, locking them in limbo. The game won't let you click on them to make changes because the exhibit reads as empty, but you can't delete the exhibit or move non-combatible animals in because the game thinks the "moved" animal is still in there. Sometimes adopted animals will not arrive, so in one case I failed a baby photo challenge because the baby I adopted never showed up. This can usually be fixed by saving and quitting, but the load times in this game are long enough that it's a chore.

The other issue with the changes to avaialble species and exhibits in regions is that they don't seem to have balanced this very well. For example, in South America none of the tropical rock mini exhibit species are available to that zoo, but that is still the one and only mini exhibit available at rank one, meaning you have to pad out the early game with more concessions and stuff and rely on your two full size animal options. From map to map this will vary, but I usually found it creates a slight dead zone and frustrating user experience at whatever level it crops up.

Sometimes animals take a really long time to come over to an interaction, or won't come over at all. I failed a mission to feed three types of kangaroos because I could never get the one of a particuolar species to trigger and walk over. Because there are penalties for failure and only four open challenge slots, this is always frustrating.

Early game has been massively narrowed onto a more defined path, limiting options. Regional zoos are limited to certain animals, limiting creativity and creating "dead zones" where you unlock an exhibit but can't get any of the animals for it. By contrast, regional zoos have more of a role and less samey-ness, and the game forces you to take a global approach so you can send animals from region to region to get those unadoptable animals into each zone.

I do hope they patch some of the bugs and consider adding an option to sandbox mode (the only mode where no animals are off limits) that retains the financial concerns and research times, as I like max creativity but within the constraints of a simulation you have to react to.

Yes, each regional zoo has a certain list of animals they can never straight up adopt, locking out many of the early combos and pathways from the original game. However, you can get these animals through random donations, or more reliably by sending animals to a reserve, where you can later claim them from other zoos.

Initially I didn't think there was a reliable way to make those reserve animals available, but it turns out that is down to a quirk in the way the game handles save states. When you save a challenge zoo, it does NOT create a traditional save file. When you click "load game" the only zoo that will appear is the campaign saves, so I thought there was only one active save file at a time.

Anywy, the upshot is that eventually you could create the ultimate zoo in challenge mode, but you would have to have strong zoos in other regions so they can send the missing animals to the reserve so you can them pick them up in the no-adopt zone you're in.

It is also still true that this neat global system is weirdly balanced, like I mentioned initially locking out the animals does not lock out the exhibit (that way you can stock them from the reserve), but depending on which zone you are in that can make those dead spots really pronounced. South America for example doesn't have any of the arid pool animals available, yet that is the only mini-exhibit available at level one, meaning you have to rely on large exhibits and concessions to get you over that initial hump early on. Or you may get a challenge for a hose interaction, but not have any of the compatible animals available due to the region lockout.

I've played for 5-6 hours so far, and while the new limitless set up is great one change they made to Challenge mode sort of neuters the game. It used to be that you could get any animal in any region once you reached enough of a fame level to unlock it, but now zoos in each region only get access to a certain sub-set of animals and then the rest can never be unlocked on that map.

The second issue is that the game doesn't really balance around these missing animal groups. For example, you will still be able to build the mini-exhibit arid pool or whatever--even though you literally can never get any of the animals that live in that exhibit. This also amplifies some of the dead zones you get stuck in where you don't have enough animal diversity to boost your fame level to unlock more animals.

The other issue is that this severely restricts your opening choices, as under the new set up you generally only have two total animals that are available in full size exhibits to start with, plus the ones for minis. Whereas in the old game you could start with some elephants and then build a medium tropical to do mixed elephants and chimps then use your old tropical for tigers, in this new one you get far fewer big animals early on so you can't combo up animals as well or re-use smaller habitats as you scale up. It also means you basically have to follow the same basic path every time you do a challenge in a zone because there are so few options there is really only one viable path forward. e24fc04721

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