Just testing it for past few days.I have experience with some of best iems like moondrop starfield,7Hz timeless,aria.I have to say it is best ideal neutral iem in this super competitive price bracket.

Fit&finess wise it is perfect for my ears and cyberpunk design is just awesome but it is metal construction so,has a little bit weight but I don't think it is problem for anyone.

Sound wise it is neutral toned iem so, the sound comes in very natural way.It is so smooth and clean pretty ideal for anyone who is in instrumental and aquistic songs.The strength of Titan is details retrieval. It can catch the details from bass to tremble is very exceptional ( particularly details it can present in treble zone is heavenly). Imagination wise it is very good and soundstage has much width than height.I think it is really close with starfield 

In details department and quite a margin superior with aria,but it's weakness(for some people)is bass department.For me the bass it has sufficient for me.

For those have dilemma between aria and Titan s let me tell you both of iem tuned in different way...aria has slightly v shaped Harman tuned iem where as Titan is tuned in neutral way. Aria has more bass than Titan where Titan offers great details, good imagination in the budget price range....I think two iems are such great iem for sure.

Atlast, I have to thank HEADFONEZONE to bring this great product to us....and also superfast delivery...

I had to switch from headphones to iem due to hair fall upon extended headphone usage. I loved the salnotes zero, so I wanted to get something different, initially getting the truthear hexa. However the unit I received was defective, so could not use it much (had it returned). Instead opted for the dunu titan s, and these are lovely till now. The difference from the salnotes zero budget iem is noticeable and the iem treble does not bother me at all, it is not unpleasant in any way. Hopefully this unit won't ever go bad on me and lasts years to come.

Zone 14 Dunu Dunu Mp3 Download

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Dunukofia is a Local Government Area in Anambra State, South-East Nigeria. Towns that make up the local government are Ukpo, the headquarters; Ifitedunu, Dunukofia Umunnachi, Umudioka, Ukwulu and Nawgu. It shares boundaries with Awka North, Idemili North, Njikoka and Oyi Local Governments.

The population is predominantly agrarian, but major in-roads have been made in commerce and education. Population density here is among the highest in all of Nigeria. There are general hospitals at Ifitedunu and Ukpo. There are also a dozen high schools for boys and girls. Dunukofia is among the most accessible local governments in Anambra State, with federal and state roads crossing it at different points. St Mary's High School Ifitedunu is categorised as one of the oldest post-primary schools in Anambra State.

The first treble of the Dunu Titan S starts off softly muffled. After an exalted mid-high range, the entry into the upper range drops off slightly, creating the classic control tuning. As usual, the rest of the zone alternates between peaks and valleys. But there are several things to note: the valley in the control zone is not deep and there is a noticeable response in the air zone. The first characteristic results in a natural reproduction of the treble, with a progressive decay that gives it an organic, analogue feel. The flares have a measured finesse, not extended in presence or energy, but integrated coherently with the overall smoothness of the sound. On the other hand, there is no sense of a drastic cut in the harmonic progression, something that avoids a dry, concrete sound. Fortunately, there is juice and sparkle, although the sound is never distinctly bright. The second feature is the amount of air, which is unusual for a dynamic driver in this price range, but pleasantly surprising. This fact helps to harmonise the zone by offering a vaporous finish, which provides a subtle and pleasing sense of volatility.

The end result is a side zone that bases its effort on enriching the mid-range, rather than individually showing off with more pronounced excitement or more prominent energy.

The nozzles are metallic. At the outermost end, the ring has a diameter of 5.2mm, while in the middle, it is 4.5mm. There are metal grids to protect the holes. Near the base of each nozzle, there are some inscriptions in silver paint, where you can read dunu Dual Dynamic and the side of each channel.

The midrange has a recessed presentation, preventing the perception of the resolution level from being higher. This fact can invite to increase the volume, with the excuse of wanting to appreciate better its virtues. However, this is not always a recommended action, since the natural emphasis that the high zone of the mids has, becomes rougher and more crispy.

The good extension of the high zone, favors that all the sound is shown with a great sensation of air and separation. The feeling of clarity and cleanliness, which persists in all ranges, could not be less in the high zone. But here, too, the DM-480 exhibits control, despite the amount of energy offered at the beginning of the range. This contributes to a fairly crisp, sharp and fast start, with thin flashes, but no drilling, as they are rounded off at the end, when the volume is right. The definition is not excessive, but the fun factor and the vivacity of the treble is maintained, thanks to the dynamics of the segment, which is able to offer a good dose of speed, thus highlighting details and nuances with ease.

The scene is described wide and with good depth, something that is favoured by the U-shaped profile of these Dunu. The certain distance from the mids and the immediacy of the highs, draw a semi-circular stage, but without too much height. The separation is above average, reinforced by the clean and clear sound. However, it is true that the most vivid and marked representation of the high zone has a tendency to agglutinate the notes, melting or, rather, relatively veiling the micro detail. It is, in this aspect, when a point of definition is lost, or where these economical Dunu (it is worth remembering), suffer from a higher resolution, more reserved to more expensive models.

One of the best proposals I had the pleasure to try last year, was the NS Audio NS3. Its profile is not the classic one, but it is quite balanced, with a certain mid-centric tendency and quite soft highs. In the sound comparison, you can see big differences, starting with the profile of each one. The DM-480s have more impact in the bass and, above all, in the sub-bass area. The NS3, despite being the Bass Enhanced version, has a very linear and balanced low zone. The texture of its bass is velvety and sweet, with a lot of nuance and descriptive capacity. The Dunu is a little more visceral and rough, less linear, more focused on the sub-bass. The lower zone of the NS3 sounds more complete and extensive, very round, smooth and tight, has a more beautiful bill. The Dunu offer a more imposing and somewhat rougher bass, but fast and compact.

The mid zone generates more differences. The U-shaped profile of the Dunu can be seen instantly and the greater distance from the central segment can be distinguished at a glance from that offered by the NS3. However, in the voices, the greater weight of the bass of the DM-480, generates more body in its lower zone and a certain warmth, which the NS3 does not have, flatter, balanced and cold, but also wider at the top, rich in texture and nuances. In short, the Dunu extends the voices into the low zone and the NS3 into the mids and high zone. There is more presence and neutrality in the instrumentation offered by the NS3, also more coldness. While in the Dunu, their presence remains in that second plane, enjoyable, but not so vivid or remarkable.

The scene, in both IEMS, is wide and deep, but has more height in the NS3. Also, the stage is perceived as bigger, because it is able to generate more music in the central zone, as well as more details. There is also good separation in both, thanks to the good amount of air they have. But the greater analytical capacity of the NS3, reveals itself determinant to improve in this aspect.

To confirm the size of the hypoxic zone and refine the forecast models, a NOAA-supported monitoring survey is conducted each summer, with results released in early August. NOAA and its partners continue to develop additional hypoxia forecasting capabilities and tools to understand impacts on living marine resources under various nutrient reduction actions, including a new experimental model from scientists at NOAA Fisheries and North Carolina State University to better understand where shrimp could be found relative to the hypoxic zone.

An Action Day for fine particulates, carbon monoxide or ozone indicates that either current air quality is unhealthy or conditions are expected to worsen later in the day or on the next day. Action Days for air pollutants generally indicate that air quality will be in either the Unhealthy or Unhealthy-for-Sensitive-Groups categories according to the Air Quality Index. Action Days trigger mandatory restrictions that limit indoor burning to approved devices only, voluntary driving reductions, and public health recommendations.

WHAT IS AN ACTION DAY?: An Action Day for fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone or other pollutants indicates that either current air quality is unhealthy or conditions are expected to worsen later in the day or on the next day. Action Days for air pollutants generally indicate that air quality will be in either the Unhealthy or Unhealthy-for-Sensitive-Groups categories according to the Air Quality Index. Action Days always convey overarching public health recommendations, and, according to season, trigger a variety of mandatory and voluntary pollution prevention measures. For example, during the summer open burning is prohibited when an Action Day for ozone and/or fine particulates is in effect. During the winter, residential burning restrictions are in effect when an Action Day for Visibility is in effect. 006ab0faaa

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