Hello and welcome to our blog.

Zombie Run Maze is a fun game. There are two games to play. Game 1: Maze Escape – You enter a maze at the start. Only way out is at the other end. In the maze you are chased by actors pretending to be a zombie you MUST escape without being caught. If a zombie get’s you they will mark you with a invisible ink marker that only show’s up at the end of the maze when you go through quarantine infected check. The ink show’s up under UV light. If you are marked then you are DEAD. Game 2: Check point run and survival. In this game you must collect items to survive but they are all in the zombie zone. You MUST select two team player’s form your team at each check point to go and collect the items on the list each check point must be two different team members each time and then run to the next check point with your items and team to receive more ONLY way to get there is to go through the zombie zone. Once you reach your base home after collecting all items with your team member’s (That’s if all survive) you must wait it out for the military to arrive to rescue you but in the mean time you are on your OWN you must survive at all cost’s. Once all of your team and other teams playing the game make it to there home base the zombies will get hungry and hunt for flesh a klaxon will sound that (Sound’s like the silent hill siren) meaning the zombies are on the hunt MAKE sure you secure your home base well because when this klaxon sound’s the zombies will do anything to get to fresh meat. Once again if they catch you they will mark you with a invisible marker. Once the military (played by actors) the will rescue you and take you to the rescue point where zombies will NOT be allowed to enter. ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH TO PLAY? P.lease note the game is dimly lit just enough so it is mostly dark.

Questions & Answers

Q: What happens after you have been caught? A: You will be transformed into a zombie where you chase the next group of player’s.

Q: Will the actors touch me? A: They may as they are allowed to catch you to mark you with the invisible ink marker.

Q: Are we allowed to touch the actors back? A: Yes to try to break free but please no hitting them.

Q: How may player's are you allowed per team for survive run? A: 4 to 12 per team

Q: How may player's are you allowed for the zombie maze run? A: None each player are on there own to run the maze with other's

Q: Can disabled people play the games? A: Yes this is disabled friendly and also wheelchair friendly.

Q: Do you ever do party’s there for public? A: Yes we do party's for adult's and children aged 15+ but please give us at least a five day advanced booking.

Q: Can people that play the game's be turned into a zombie right away and just chase people? A: No you must play the game first.

Q: Can you be a zombie if you win the game? A: Yes you can.

Q; Do you use strobe lighting? A: Yes we do use strobe lighting. NOTE If you have epilepsy please tell the staff in your booking. Strobe lighting will be turned off on your arrival before playing any of the games. Games lighting will be brightened up a bit as well.

Q: Is the zombie run maze & survival run dark? A:Yes but it's not completely dark both games are dimly lit just enough so it is mostly dark.

Q: Is it suitable for people with fear of the dark? A: Yes both games are dimly lit just enough so it is mostly dark.

Q: Do you do lock in’s? A: Yes we do this can be done for a group up to 8 to 20 people lock in’s can be booked for 3 to 6 hours. With smoking breaks for throes that smoke witch is up to 5 minutes. There are four staff members on site during locking's

Q: What do I do if I get to frighted to carry on playing? A: Go to the out of play zone this is in use for both games. NOTE once in there you can not rejoin the game. If you become to afraid in any of both games make a X symbol by crossing your arm’s and putting them in the air. Staff watching the game form CCTV will IMMEDIATELY stop the game. Actors will be told through ear peace’s to halt. The main lights in the game area will come on and staff will come to your aid. The X symbol can also be used for emergency’s but than having your crossed arm’s in the air they must be placed across your belly. Once again staff watching the game form CCTV will IMMEDIATELY stop the game. Staff and actors will come running to your aid.


  1. Never hit or punch the actor’s. If you do this the game will be stopped and you will be asked to leave the building.
  2. Never use the emergency X across your belly as a joke (ONLY USE THIS IN A REALLY EMERGENCY) abusing this will result in a one time warning.
  3. Always listen to staff.
  4. In the event of a game being stopped please stay where your standing.
  5. No smoking in the building. People who smoke are allowed outside to smoke and renter.
  6. No Eating or Drinking in the maze or survive run.
  7. Footwear suitable for running to be worn. No flat’s, heel’s, flip flops, Boot’s or non toe covered shoes to be worn. People wearing unsuitable footwear will not be granted access to the maze or survive games.
  8. Obey all rules that you are given.
  9. Have fun and have a fright.
  10. No phones, Cameras, Video recorders or Torches.

Opening times: Monday to Friday 8am till 8pm. Saturday's 10am till 6pm (Currently closed. COMING SOON) Opening August 13th 2018

Make your book in here below.

Our zombie makeup some may differ

October the 31st 2018: Spectacular Fright Night & Disco

September 13th 2019: Friday the 13th Zombie Run & Survival run with Zombie Freddy Kruegre and Jason voorhees

Released on: 17th September 2018

Zombie Run Maze 2018 is now back open with it's brand new maze. We have earned half of our goal for buying the property before our lease end's in February 2019