In computing, a zombie is a computer connected to the Internet that has been compromised by a hacker via a computer virus, computer worm, or trojan horse program and can be used to perform malicious tasks under the remote direction of the hacker. Zombie computers often coordinate together in a botnet controlled by the hacker, and are used for activities such as spreading e-mail spam and launching distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS attacks) against web servers. Most victims are unaware that their computers have become zombies. The concept is similar to the zombie of Haitian Voodoo folklore, which refers to a corpse resurrected by a sorcerer via magic and enslaved to the sorcerer's commands, having no free will of its own.[1] A coordinated DDoS attack by multiple botnet machines also resembles a "zombie horde attack", as depicted in fictional zombie films.

Zombies can be used to conduct distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, a term which refers to the orchestrated flooding of target websites by large numbers of computers at once. The large number of Internet users making simultaneous requests of a website's server is intended to result in crashing and the prevention of legitimate users from accessing the site.[4] A variant of this type of flooding is known as distributed degradation-of-service. Committed by "pulsing" zombies, distributed degradation-of-service is the moderated and periodical flooding of websites intended to slow down rather than crash a victim site. The effectiveness of this tactic springs from the fact that intense flooding can be quickly detected and remedied, but pulsing zombie attacks and the resulting slow-down in website access can go unnoticed for months and even years.[5]

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Ok. system specs: AMD 5900x, 64GB of 3200Mhz RAM, Nvidia 3090 FE, boot drive is a 2TB PCI4 NVME drive. I have a total of 9 SSDs and 3 NVME drives. I also have spinners for cold storage, USB3.1 attached larger spinners. This is not a poorly performant system, or RATHER, it has no real excuse to be a poorly performant system. So when I opened ProcessExplorer tonight to figure out why I had process ID counts above 100k (a zombie process symptom) and it HUNG, over and over trying to render screen updates, I knew something was bad.

Windows is also keeping the process handle alive when a process crashes: -windows-server-from-suspending-my-process/66934393#comment118325612_66934393 which can cause unintended high process pids as well. I still do not know if this is a feature or a bug.

In work I'm execute remote commands by SSH. I noticed that the execution such teams - perhaps the reason zombies.Because after work without having to run the commands, the process is terminated immediately.

I'm working to finish a statistical analysis project using a large dataset and an SAS program called JMP. I'm using an old version of the program (8.0.2) which I cannot update because of expense. (I will eventually receive new stat software from my new employer, but need to finish this project first.) JMP occasionally hangs on high processor loads with rolling beachball and unresponsive windows. I save my work a lot, and am muddling through, but there's a weird variation on the usual behavior that I haven't seen before. Once it hangs, I can kill JMP from the Terminal or Activity Monitor, but JMP's open windows stay on the screen. JMP is truly dead-- it disappears from the menubar and it's gone from Activity Monitor. It doesn't seem to spawn any daughter processes (at least none that are evident in the heirarchical view in Activity Monitor). I can restart it, but the new instance doesn't seem to recoqnize the old windows, which persist alongside new windows. They can be dragged around, but can't be minimized or closed. Mousing over them gives me the beachball. Everything else seems to behave normally. The only way to get rid of the windows, though, is to reboot, which I can do normally.

My question, entirely in the interest of speeding my workflow, is how do I kill these zombie windows short of reboot? I tried restarting the Finder with no effect. "sudo kill -9 windowserver" just reboots. Is there anything short of that?

Now firstly, just gonna rule out any of the 'smart zombie' stuff, I would never watch any zombie film that has memory-retaining or tool-using zombies in it simply because I find it stupid, it doesn't and will not make sense to me no matter what anyone tries to say.

So let's look at the zombies in Project Zomboid, where they will see you inside a building and walk towards the windows or doors (why don't they all push up against the walls?), but they will stop at the window/door and stand there, repeatedly bobbing back and forth trying to smash through the window, however doing this seems like it would require some extent of thought processing:

Surely a zombie's thought process should simply be to see, chase and eat people, they shouldn't have the ability to know that there is a window in front of them, they should simply attempt to walk through it, effectively pressing themselves up against the glass.

Windows would still smash, however I'd imagine that a single zombie wouldn't be able to break through a window by himself, there would need to be a few pressing against it, using their body weight to break through, rather than them consciously doing it. Now this may just be due to the animation they have when breaking in, but it does bug me a bit.

The same applies for zombies that vault over fences and through the windows, I don't see how this would be possible, they need to trip/stumble over an obstacle if it is low enough, or get stuck against it until their sheer weight breaks through it. I don't like how they seem to posses the same motor skills as you do.

I also don't think it's so weird for them to want to get inside a house looking for flesh. A lot of zombies wander around without a specific purpose, so why not want to wander inside a house as well as anywhere? Maybe they saw a shadow reminding of a person inside (maybe even their own shadow) or a rat making some noise in there. I've never really been bothered with this, but I can understand if you miss a specific "behaviour" implant that they lack. In sandbox settings you can change their behaviour a lot too, example; no memory and path finding behaviour.

If you throw away all mental faculty from the lore, they would be comatose and unresponsive to everything. A zombie does indeed still have a thought process, and you can argue until you are blue about what is realistic when it comes to a walking dead person. In the end it is all impossible. So might as well give them behaviour that won't result in them just laying on the carpet and lawn like catatonic people.

This runs in-line with another question often asked. Why do they want to eat people and nothing else? Well, again you have to go back to Remero and the original Night of the Living Dead. There is a whole scene were they are actually shown eating bugs, mice and other things as well as the remains of people who were blown apart. So, they just see most things as food. One would assume, though, that they can smell the difference between good (live) food and rotting zombies.

Windows would still smash, however I'd imagine that a single zombie wouldn't be able to break through a window by himself, there would need to be a few pressing against it, using their body weight to break through, rather than them consciously doing it.

There could be a difference between the zombie types. A runner trying to run a window will probably succeed while charging the glassy thing, while a slow and encumbered one will probably just put his face on the glass, pressing with force to get through.

Maybe this is a good example for a real life experiment. Get some friends and try to get into your neighbors houses by pressing/pushing/charging their windows. Trust me, nobody would question the logic behind that.

OTOH, it would also be cool to see them smash walls, not just doors and windows. I think that's been pointed out as something the devs want to do, but I can't point to any reference of that.

Sure, I like the idea that a zombie might go to the mall or something because they spent a lot of time there as a person. It would explain all those zombies in the bathrooms and even gives a good reason for zombies to tend to stay in and around a town when the lack of food would more logically cause all the zombies to eventually just leave in search of food elsewhere. It would even be amusing to see a zombie in a less serious movie sitting in a car and making vroom vroom sounds.

I've brought this up in another topic. About intelligent zombies too I think... Anyway. Why are the zombies in the mall? Two choices. One, people died and reanimated in the area, were pulled to any survivors in the mall, they died, bam. Zed city. Two, the zombies travelled to the mall as a result of some memory or desire. Essentially, they moved due to an external or internal stimuli.

In my little-idea-head-canony-thingie, people who die and reanimate while experiencing strong desires have that desire applied to their shambling corpse, albeit faintly. So, a survivor is desperate to get to the mall. They know supplies are there. They -really- want to get in, get the goods, and get out. They get bitten en route, and die. The resulting zombie still feels a faint urge to 'go in that direction'. Not enough to move, but enough to be pointing in the direction of the mall. Through various random movements, chasing of birds, survivors, etc. the zombie ends up in the vicinity of the mall. At this point the zombie is close enough to see a survivor or two, and in he goes. 006ab0faaa

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