My Commitments

  1. I am committed to the betterment of students first and foremost because they are both our present and our future.

2. I am committed to use half of my income that I receive from the board of education position to start a non profit to give back to the students of Saint Paul Public Schools. I am committed fully to the success of the next generation of young leaders, because we all deserve to not only survive but thrive.

3. I am committed to work with and for the students, teachers, staff, and families. Our community, our diversity, and our unity are what make us stronger. Now more than ever it is important to support one another.

4. I am committed to growing our curriculum standards to include all perspectives as SPPS is made up of many different ethnicities who all deserve to be better represented when we are teaching students.

5. I am committed to listening to our whole community’s concerns.

6. I am committed to supporting district leaders to implement real world training and experiences that prepare students for both college and careers.