
Digital Image Processing in MATLAB

No-contact respiratory anomaly detection

The goal is to monitor human breathing and breathing anomaly detection using infrared light wave sensing and machine learning. This is an ongoing NSF funded project at OSU. 

Github link: 

Television white space based rural broadband internet

Provided 16 Mbps broadband internet connection as part of a team using TVWS based wireless link over 6.3 km at rural Oklahoma where quality internet service was scarce. 

Github link: 

Optical fiber-based bi-directional voice and data communication system

Designed and implemented an optical fiber based communication system using two NI FOTEx modules that can transmit voice and digital data in one direction, while only voice signal in the other direction.

Project report: 

Data modulation using USRP

Designed & simulated block diagram & front panels for transmitters & receivers for data modulation techniques (AM, FM, ASK, FSK & QPSK) using Labview NXG & NI USRP.

Project presentation: 

USB-based 16 channel logic analyzer

It can take digital input from physical circuit, send the data to computer and display them as plots. Designed and developed it in PCB. Used USB interfacing by ATMEGA32 micro-controller. 

Project report: 

Visualizing interference fringe due to two-point sources

The interference fringe created by superposition of monochromatic light waves originating from two coherent point sources separated by a small distance relative to the distance between the sources and the screen were visualized shown using MATLAB code.

Project report: 


Stepper motor controller

Designed and simulated in Proteus, then implemented in hardware using Micro-controller. Implemented full-step and half-step sequences for rotation and speed controlling.